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My target 57 kms
Support my challenge to step up to breast cancer!
Right now, 57 Australians are diagnosed with breast cancer every day. My mum is one of those people.
Throughout the month of August I will be running 57km and taking part in Step Up to Breast Cancer, not only for my mum but also other women and their families out there who are impacted by this disease.
The money we raise will help support fighting this disease, including providing funding for breast cancer research which seeks to continue to find ways to both identify and treat the various forms of this cancer.
Unfortunately, I know I am not alone in being impacted by this disease, but together we can make a difference.
Please make a donation to support my challenge and let's step up to breast cancer together!
Thank you for your support.
My Badges

Stepping up to breast cancer

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Rising Star: Raised $57

Shining Star: Raised $200

Superstar: Raised $500

All-star: Raised $1000

First Activity logged

Halfway to KM goal

Achieved KM goal
Thank you to my Sponsors


Jacqui Vanzzella

Chin Kim Lay
Great work



Alex Z

Sandip Shah
We are proud of work you are doing to help raise money for a noble cause.

James Baudzus
Good effort mate!

June Aves
Dear Tejas, such a personal and great cause. We will be supporting you all the way! Sending you lots of positive energy and love!


Awesome effort T!

Heather L
Legend! You’ve got this!

Ben Murphy



Sonali S
Go Tejas!

Kelli Field

Joseph Duong
Work it

Shubhra Bajaj

All the best!!


Prath Shinde
On ya T! Good luck!

Jane Lam
Such a great & meaningful cause. Go Tejas!


Aviv P

Wishing you all the best Tejas!

Jason Reynolds
Keep up the great work!

Evelyn De Moraes
Thanks for raising awareness and support to this cause. Sending your mom all my love

Kate Wilkinson

Elizabeth Townend
Run Tejas Run! A great cause. And you're over halfway there already!!

Great cause - you are nearly there!

Andrew Fletcher

Kathryn Murray

Luke Scott

Melanie Lincoln
Go Tejas!

Marcella Searle
Such a great cause, good on you Tejas

Margit S

Go out there and crush it!!

Brendan Davis
Well done mate!

Great work, Tejas!

Damien Yong
Nice one mate!

Diluk Kannangara
Good luck LaTShah! Great stuff you're doing!

Brock Elder-gunthorpe
Well done Tej

Jess Collins
This will bump you up to $3800 for 38km completed so far!

Stevo C

Max Liu

Jerry Lu
Go Tejas!

Ewan Hall

Blake Howard

Rose Horrocks


Grace Wu

Paragi Doshi
Well done Tejas. And give my regards and love to aunty too:)

Divyank Gupta
Great Initiative Tejas, My full support to you

Varun Sharma
Hope you meet your goal. Break a leg!

Emma Lesmond
Sending best to you and your family.

Richard Camier