There are two ways to track your kilometres this August:
Please note all KMs logged before 1st August will be removed once the challenge officially begins.
Option #1 - Manually

You can manually add your kilometres directly into your dashboard.
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Log in to your dashboard and select 'Log My Fitness Activity'.
Step 2: Under 'Add activity', enter the date and distance
Step 3: The number of KMs will now appear on your fundraising page!
Option #2 - Via a fitness app

You can connect your Strava or Fitbit accounts to your fundraising page.
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Download Fitbit or Strava and set up your account
Step 2: Connect your fitness app to your Step Up to Breast Cancer dashboard
Step 3: Follow the prompts to connect your account
Please allow 24hrs for your distance to be published and updated on your page.