What is Step Up to Breast Cancer?

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This August, we are asking you to Step Up to Breast Cancer. Walk or run 57km throughout the month. Raise money for breast cancer research and improve your overall health and wellbeing at the same time. 

Who can register?

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Anyone! Whether you’re an individual, a team, a bunch of mates, or an entire sports club – registering for Step Up is easier than you might think. If you’re under 16, you’ll just have to get parental consent first (it’s a legal thing) – but use it as an excuse to get them signed up too! When you complete your online registartion form you'll be asked for parental consent then. 

How much does it cost to register?

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It’s completely free to register and participate in Step Up to Breast Cancer. 

How does it work?

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  1. Sign up – Sign up to walk or run 57km throughout the month of August.
  2. Get a team together – Stepping up with friends, family or colleagues will be more fun.
  3. Step Up to Breast Cancer! Track your km and aim to get yourself on our Step Up leaderboard.

When and where is Step Up to Breast Cancer?

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Step Up to Breast Cancer is an online fitness challenge which runs for one month from 1st August to 31st August 2024. You decide where and when to complete your challenge.

What do I have to do?

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Walk or run 57km over the month of August and raise money for breast cancer research. Wherever you live, whatever your fitness level, you can decide where, when and how you Step Up to Breast Cancer. Setting a challenging personal goal will make it more likely others will sponsor you.

Where do the funds go that I raise?

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Every dollar you raise will go towards funding vital breast cancer research. The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is Australia’s leading national body funding world-class, game-changing breast cancer research. In the past 10 years, breast cancer diagnoses in Australia have increased by 21%. Each day 57 people in Australia are diagnosed with breast cancer and 9 people lose their lives to this disease. Each death in one too many, and research is critical to better understand, prevent, detect,treat and stop breast cancer and ultimately save livesfrom the disease.  To find out more about some of the research projects NBCF fund, take a look here

Is there a minimum amount I have to raise?

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Raise as much as you can. Every dollar raised goes towards funding vital breast cancer research – the more you raise the more research NBCF can fund. We have some really cool fundrasing incetives to get you motivated, the first 3,000 to raise $57 you'll receive the official Step Up to Breast Cancer community t-shirt and pack. To see all the fundraising incetived vist here.

How do I update my fundraising goal?

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Login to your Step Up to Breast Cancer account and head to your dashboard. Click on ‘Edit my page’ and update your fundraising goal.

How can I learn more about the research NBCF funds?

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The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is Australia's leading not-for-profit organisation funding world-class breast cancer research with money raised entirely by the Australian public.Visit nbcf.org.au/research to read more about the ground-breaking research happening right now.

How do I bank any offline fundraising money I raise?

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The best way to bank your offline fundraising money is through your online fundraising page with your credit card. Your total fundraising amount will then be shown on your page.

How do I log my kms online?

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To log you kms, simply login to your online fundraising page and ensure you are looking at your dashboard. From here, click 'Your Km' and you will see a km tracking calendar. Click today's date and click 'mark complete' then enter in the total number of kms you completed. Repeat this process each day. 

You can track your kms using a smart phone, smart watch, fitbit/Gamin however you just need to login to your dashboard each day to manually input the number of steps you completed to update your step calendar on your fundraising page. 

Can I start recording my kms in the lead up to August?

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As Step Up to Breast Cancer takes place in August, it is only then that you will be able to track your kms. But you can certainly get out and start getting some practice in before August.

What resources are available?

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We want to make fundraising easy, so we have some great resources to help you do that. Your best tool is your online fundraising page – easy to set up and easy to share. It is the best way to get donations and spread the word about your Step Up to Breast Cancer. From your fundraising page dashboard you can also download your social posts and other resources. All available to ensure your Step Up to Breast Cancer challenge is a success.

Facebook fundraising: why do you have this option?

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Setting up a fundraiser from your NBCF fundraising page through Facebook is an easier way to share your fundraising page and reach more people. We have had lots of great feedback about Facebook fundraising as the easiest way for people to share their challenge with their family and friends and collect donations. 

If people have donated to me through Facebook, will NBCF still receive the funds?

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Yes, if you have selected ‘National Breast Cancer Foundation’ as your charity of choice, we’ll receive the funds. However, there will be a slight delay.

Is my donation via Facebook secure?

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The Facebook Donate button is a Facebook-owned feature, please contact them directly with any queries about privacy and security. However, you can view their privacy policy here: https://m.facebook.com/payments_terms/privacy

Can I post my photos or details on NBCF's social media pages?

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Definitely! We’d love to see what you’re up to. You can post your photos directly onto our Facebook and Twitter pages and tag us in stories and posts on Instagram with @nbcfaus. Don't forget to use the hashtag #StepUpToBreastCancer and #I’mSteppingUpToBreastCancer so we can like, share or retweet your post!

Who do I contact if I have any other questions?

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We're always here to help. Give us a call on 1300 803 551 or email us at stepup@nbcf.org.au

We are also available on our social media channels. Get in touch!


Please let us know if any of your questions aren't covered by contacting us on stepup@nbcf.org.au and we will be happy to help.