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My target 57 kms
Support my challenge to step up to breast cancer! This is for myself, but all the other people who I now realise how much this is needed, on the very start of my own journey right now.
Right now, 57 Australians are diagnosed with breast cancer every day.
This August, I am taking part in Step Up to Breast Cancer for the mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and loves ones who are impacted by this devastating disease.
I am doing this to raise funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to support vital breast cancer research to help save lives.
Please make a donation to support my challenge and let's step up to breast cancer together!
Thank you for your support.
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Stepping up to breast cancer

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Rising Star: Raised $57

Shining Star: Raised $200

Superstar: Raised $500

All-star: Raised $1000

First Activity logged

Halfway to KM goal

Achieved KM goal
My Updates

Saving the best til last…..
Friday 30th AugWell we did it! You guys did it! Smashed our initial goals, walked a bucket of km’s. And just like that it’s over tomorrow.
For a challenge that came out of nowhere and certainly not planned or prepared for, we conquered it! And all with EVERY one of our sponsors who so kindly donated to our team and sent such beautiful words of inspiration. I simply want to say a huge THANK YOU. x
But that is all because of one fiery and determined woman we are here and talking. Tanya.
Lady, I cannot express your sheer passion and selfless dedication to every person around you. And all in such grace and style. You did this for me. And wow. Your heart is bigger than words can describe my friend.
Thankyou for your support. Thank you for inspiring me.
As my dad and grandma used to say to me…. turiet galvu augstu (hold your head high).
To all who supported our journey - thank you so dearly. Sending all our love from Joe, Taj, Miya and me. xxxx
Legs 11 - my new powerball number
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Half way there……
Thursday 15th AugKind of ironic that I’m half way through my first round of chemo at the moment also.
I won’t lie, it’s been tough this week. Real tough.
I had my melt downs to say the least. And feel bloody terrible for my out bursts. All I can say is thank you for those who I turned to since last Thursday til now. I love you guys dearly - the biggest of thank you’s. I’ll shout you a beer at the end of all this.
I cannot say thank you enough for all the donations. How generous, how unexpected. But most of all how KIND.
Joe and I are overwhelmed with the hands raised to help us out, for us and the kids, and it is very hard for us to open up and accept. We are working on it.
It just feels the opposite of every being in me to just for once, accept and say thank you.
Please know how much right now the gift through your donation, was my driver to get walking. And I feel good for it.
Fresh air is like medicine and I am loving it.
So my song for now is ‘don’t worry be happy’ cause it’s true,
‘In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double’
Lots of love to you all x
My buddy……
Wednesday 7th AugDay 7 and the Canberra sun was shining today. Enjoyed a fab walk with my sister this morning, thanks lala for our now weekly walks. Finally get some time together.
Taj my 8 year old, is committed to help me reach my goals. I did 7000 odd steps by afternoon, little guy is my legend. Mum I’ll help you out…. How did he get it up to 10,000 steps in what felt like five minutes. Little busy feet I guess. Ha ha!
But no, promise not cheating. Just got an awesome little guy in my corner cheering me on. Thanks my little guy, life is perfect with you by my side.
I am determined I want to hit the top 20 on this challenge, please help me get there. Share with your friends, colleagues or any ladies out there - help find support and the road to no more women having to go through what we are. xxx
Little note
Thursday 1st AugWell….. this is crazy. We, you all and our team, are smashing goals already!
I really was scared to put my name to this and be out there. I don’t want me as a person to change. I don’t want people to change how they have always interacted with me or think things are different. That I’m different.
They are, but what the hell do I do about this now?
I have no words on the gratitude I have for everyone who has donated but everyone who has reached out and sent their love. I’ve had a gift from a friend from kindergarten (thanks rob) through to my mates and colleagues these days now and people who I have never met, completely touch my heart.
I keep saying to Joe, it’s overwhelming the support but more the kindness and goodness of all. Not sure how ever express my sincere thanks.
I’m a bit of a control freak, bossy, stubborn - and my sister would tell you all the rest (!) I’m sure, but my world has been ripped apart. This just made sense to sign up. Challenge myself in a different way for a change.
So, stage 3b, it’s not the worst case scenario, it’s not the best case scenario. But I’ll do my dammed to see this as a wake up call to now not miss the world around me. Cause as I said to Joe the other day, I totally missed the park down the street that has a cool bbq…. cause in 8 years living here, I never bothered to take a walk that way with my kids. He just smiled and laughed quietly
Time to get some bangers on!
ShareThank you to my Sponsors


Damien & Luisa Samios
We are here to support you, sending our love and prayers.

Don Di Placido
Go for it - you can do it.

Larissa Osenieks
Little Sis, you’ll get through this. xxx 💖

Elizabeth Malone
Hello Leana such a wonderful challenge, so proud of you. Big hugs for you. X

Adam Cetta-hoye

One moment in time. I love you very much. xxxx

Christine Osenieks

Carissa Chen
Proud of you Leana and sending you love and hugs.

Tudo de bom. A tua irmã tem sempre muitas histórias engraçadas para mim. Tenho muito gosto em conhecer-te.

Haresh Pinnaduwa

The Keogh's
You can do this! Thinking of you xx

Pelle Architects

Rob T

Maria And Daniel Keeffe

Anshul Gautam
Go Leana


Andrew Olejniczak

Grace Zhao
I’m here for you!

Kirsti Partridge
Hi Leana I was so sorry to read your message but so glad you are fighting all the way and I am very happy to support all your efforts. Big bear hugs

Fiona E

Amanda Woodlee
Sending love to you and your family Xxx

Alex Belperio
Great stuff doing this to support a fantastic organisation xx

Proud of you! 💖xo

Kristy Giteau
Proud of you and wishing you endless strength.

Olivia Barry
Love you Leana x Walk on my beautiful strong friend

Mike Stuart
You got this Leana!

Kate Mantarro
Go Leana! Wishing you all the best xxxx

Vince Azzopardi
Supporting you and sending lots of love

Jemma Rossetto
You're amazing!! xx

Express Employment Professionals

Juliet Ratchford
Go Leana!!!!!!! You are amazing 👏 🤩 xxxxxxx

Natasha Sharrock
Your the strongest most beautiful woman I know. Love you lots!!!

Nicholas Simonovski

Emily Forato
Sending love to you Leana ❤️

Tanja Makovec
You got this ❤️❤️❤️

You’ve got this 💪🏼

Leana Osenieks

Diane Lindner

Sue Sun
Go strong lady! II’ll always support you!

Matthew Heasly
Admire your bravery and fight! So many people behind you. kick its butt

May Wu
You’re incredible.!! I’m here for you, always.💪💪

Jacinta Zhang
Thinking of you!

Best wishes for the walk Leana, for your bravery and courage, and fundraising for such an important cause.

Chris Pethes

Go Leana! You can do this superwoman xx

Stephen Farrugia
Great initiative

Tom Townson
All the best x Tom and Suni

Gulcin Aygun
I’m here for you !

Sol Fernandez
Love you 🥰

Jennifer Barrett

Alana Paszko
You got this you amazing human!!! 😻😻😻😻

Good on you Leana and my sister Beth for ‘Kicking cancer to the Kerb!’ You’ve got this!

Mare Perry