By Crystal


G'day everyone, I am setting myself up for the Zero Hero 5KM a day challenge for the whole of November 2022 to raise money and awareness for National Breast Cancer Foundation and world-class breast cancer research!

The National Breast Cancer Foundation is Australia’s leading national body funding game-changing breast cancer research with money raised entirely by the Australian public.

I believe research is the best way to prevent deaths, help families and improve upon how breast cancer is diagnosed, managed and treated. 

Please donate to my page to make a secure online donation and help me reach my desired goals. 

I have been a passionate and proud NBCF Think Pink Ribbon Partner for over 12 years now. Thinking Pink is something I do everyday. For I personally know every single cent (donation), big or small, will help so many to make a change and a much needed difference, leading us in the right direction here in Australia.

Please donate today!

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a tax-deductible receipt via your email provided as soon as you make your donation online.

Thank you so much for your much needed support! And remember to Think Pink this November!

My Updates

My final post

Wednesday 30th Nov
A massive thank you to all my sponsors, supporters and most importantly my loved ones. Thank you very much for your blessings, generosity, support and help! I have journeyed through this month, engaging with my local community, meeting so many new neighbours and friendly faces. Completing a total run of 150km, raising awareness and much needed donations for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, a heart felt total of $416 Woohoo!! My Think Pink Brunch yesterday was a pinktastic blast, thank you all for attending and having a laugh. I look forward to throwing another next year. May we all continue to raise awareness and fight with might, ending breast cancer once and for all! With Love, Faith, Courage and Strength. Always, Think Pink & Thrive To Survive! Crystal :) NBCF PARNTER

Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer Awareness

Tuesday 29th Nov

Are breast cancer and prostate cancer linked?

Tuesday 29th Nov
Research has found a common gene alteration may be responsible for the clustering of prostate and breast cancer. BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations, confirmed to be linked to breast cancer in families.

Breast and prostate cancer co-occur in families, and women with a family history of prostate cancer are at increased breast cancer risk. Prostate cancer is among the most heritable cancers, but few studies have investigated it's association with familial breast cancer.  This is why donations are so important and the awareness of both Breast cancer and Prostate Cancer here in Australia. 

Fight for the survivors

Tuesday 29th Nov
Hands up! We're in this together, for no one should fight alone! You can be a victim of cancer or a survivor of cancer! The choice is ours. Mind over matter! It's a mindset! #NBCF

Most cases

Tuesday 29th Nov
Most cases of breast cancer occur in women over 50 (80%) but the diagnosis for women under 50 is on the rise, currently at 20%

Be stronger than before

Monday 28th Nov
Be stronger than the storm

Cancer is a word, not a sentence

Monday 28th Nov
And just like the word "change" we can give and show our much needed support. Making a difference to many families and individuals

I honour the taken

Sunday 27th Nov
Admiring their courage with peace & love

Courage and Strength

Sunday 27th Nov
Courage and strength is looking back & seeing what you have been through and knowing you were strong enough to make it through and had the courage to do so

Breast Cancer Awareness

Saturday 26th Nov


Saturday 26th Nov
Hope is like the sun, which as we journey on towards it, casts the shadow of the burden behind us

Each day we receive is a gift

Friday 25th Nov
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a true gift, no matter how you see it - that's why it's called the 'Present'.

Pink is stronger than you think

Friday 25th Nov
Cancers tough but so are we

Be Strong, Be Brave

Thursday 24th Nov

Be Humble, Be B?dass

Thursday 24th Nov

Most common cancer for women

Thursday 24th Nov
Breast cancer is in fact the most common cancer found in women, regardless of there age, race or ethnicity. 

Although more prevalent in women, breast cancer does affect men!

To reduce your risk of breast cancer, one needs to maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly and not drink alcohol or in my option - also limit your dairy intake.

Reminder For Your Mammograms

Wednesday 23rd Nov

Make Life Meaningful

Wednesday 23rd Nov
Challenges make life interesting and over coming them is what makes life 'meaningful'

Little Pink Ribbons

Tuesday 22nd Nov

When 'I' is replaced with 'We'

Tuesday 22nd Nov
Even 'Illness' becomes 'Wellness'

On brave wings she flies

Monday 21st Nov

One Soldier by Sheri Tharp

Monday 21st Nov
One lonely soldier marching on
     Afraid of what's in store
She was in a battle for her life
      Scared of facing more.

  Her spirits soon were lifted
At the sight of something new
   A fellow soldier joined her
   They were an army of two.

    Once again it happened
Someone joined them in the fight
  And that first lonely soldier
    Began to see some light.

 Everywhere she looked now
 There came a friendly face
More soldiers to join the battle
  To see her through the race.

  They came in every colour
   Both the young and the old
They stood together, side by side
   Their spirits growing "BOLD".

They would fight together faithfully
  For this soldier was their friend
Supporting her through the battle
    With a love that has no end.

Running for a good cause

Sunday 20th Nov

Accomplishing my goals

Sunday 20th Nov
100km Down, 50km To Go!

Stepping in the right direction

Saturday 19th Nov

In 2022 (1 in 15)

Saturday 19th Nov
In 2022 it is estimated that each of us has a 1 in 15 (6.7%) risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer by the age of 85, that's 1 in 668 or 0.15% for males and 1 in 7 or 14% for females (women)

Dedication to fight for our rights

Friday 18th Nov

1 in 6 people

Friday 18th Nov
In Queensland alone on average, 1 in 6 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer or gynaecological cancer by the age of 85

I Wear Pink...

Thursday 17th Nov
For Breast Cancer Awareness

Current Australian BC Fighters

Thursday 17th Nov
Here in Australia we have a quarter of a million people living with breast cancer, who have been diagnosed in the last 36 years!

NBCF stands for - National Breast Cancer Foundation

Wednesday 16th Nov

Women rise above

Tuesday 15th Nov
Women are like "tea bags"
Beacause you never know how strong they really are, until you put them in hot water ;-)

My gift to you

Monday 14th Nov
What cancer cannot do <3 RIP MUM

True Strength

Monday 14th Nov
You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have -Strength

I love boobies!

Sunday 13th Nov
Hug them, Love them, Save them! #NBCF

Poem of the day - Boobies

Sunday 13th Nov
We flash them, we smash them, we push them way up. We shake them, we stuff them in the wrong sized cup. Our partners crave them, our children have drained them, some of us even decided to name them and randoms love to stare at them!

We go through our lives and knock them about, but one thing is certain, one thing I must shout! Our 'BOOBIES' have been there through thick and through thin and life's to precious to let cancer win! Think Pink NBCF!

Early Detection Saves Lives

Saturday 12th Nov

Almost 60 a day!

Saturday 12th Nov
Unfortunately on Average 57 Australians are diagnosed with breast cancer, each and every day! In the last decade, diagnosis has increased by 33%

Never Give Up Hope

Friday 11th Nov

NBCF True Fact

Friday 11th Nov
At least 10 Australians lose their battle to breast cancer every single day!

Fun Run In The Sun

Thursday 10th Nov

5KM A DAY - Achieving my goals

Thursday 10th Nov
50KM Down
100KM To Go!

Ya gotta have faith! No Matter What!

Wednesday 9th Nov

3 generations of strong fighting women

Wednesday 9th Nov
My Grandmother - Breast Cancer Warrior
My Mother - Myloma Warrior (Blood Cancer)
Myself - Brain AVM Warrior (Stroke Survivor)

Rising Above - for NBCF

Tuesday 8th Nov

In honour of my "Grandmother"

Monday 7th Nov
My biggest inspiration and whom I am named after is my mums mum (my grandmother)
As long as I can remember I have been a passionate supporter of the national breast cancer foundation.

This is because it hits so close to home... Unfortunately my mother had no choice but to grow up with out her mum, from a very young age. In which of course sadly resulted in myself growing up without any grandparents.

From the moment I was born my mother must of seen something within me that reminded her, of her dear mother, whom she hadn't seen in many years prior. Bless her :)

When I grew to an age of understanding and found out her devastating diagnosis, I then knew her legacy, her memory, as well as my mums, (whom lost her battle to myloma) now lives through me! I will continue the fight for them!

Unfortunately way too many lives are lost to cancer and families like my own end up being a single solider unit way to soon. 

I will not stop! I will continue to fight for a cure, for the right for families and loved ones to spend more time together, cause let's face it... We can't put a price on time spent with our loved ones, as I personally know how valuable time is and the importance of fundraising and donations. For these will help lead to a better future and a cure, not necessarily for me or yourself but for those we love, our friends and co-workers and their loved ones!

Let's be honest, Cancer affects everyone, if not you personally but someone you know.
So may we all do what we can and do our part and simply give back. Helping each other and others via a charity that is so close to my heart.

Saving lives, making a much needed change and difference and more importantly, a chance for a cure to end Breast Cancer once and for all!

A big THANK YOU to all my loved ones, my sponsors, my supporters and my friends. 
I love you all xo

Think Pink Life Line

Sunday 6th Nov

20000 a year

Sunday 6th Nov

Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, with over 20000 diagnoses this year! Sadly prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer.

In 2022 breast cancer remains the 2nd most common cause of death from cancer for women but keep in mind it also affects men!

Think Pink Hair

Saturday 5th Nov
Showing my support for NBCF in more ways than one!

Faith Hope Cure

Friday 4th Nov
For No-one Should Fight Alone!

Fight like a girl

Thursday 3rd Nov

We're Fighting For A Cure

Thursday 3rd Nov
A Cure Worth Fighting For!

Think Pink Rose

Wednesday 2nd Nov

My Goal

Wednesday 2nd Nov
As a Zero Hero, my desired goal and wish is simply for a world where there is ZERO deaths from breast cancer, for I believe every death from breast cancer is ONE too many! 

To achieve this, I am raising awareness and funds for research. All donations made to my page will help do exactly that!

NBCF is working towards one goal: 
zero deaths from breast cancer by 2030!

Together we can help them get there. 
Thank you so much for your support!

I will be running "5km A Day" to raise much needed funds and awareness everyday this month during November!

Hope Beats Fear

Tuesday 1st Nov
Support the fighters, Admire the survivors, Remember the angels and Never give up hope!

Thank you to my Supporters


Loves Boobs

Thank you for all your hard work. Women and boobs of Australia salute you ;)


Craig Warland

Very proud of you little Crystal, 👍🙏 you always make myself to better in life, 🏃‍♀️👣🏃‍♀️👣🏃‍♀️👣 keep up the great work my friends 🤞👍🙏👀


Crystal L


Craig Warland

Go hard 💪 my friend , Very broud to support you in this fantastic challenge 👏, 🏃‍♀️ run hard, hopefully you will beat your goals,


Judith Russell

Well done Chrystal. Your grandmother Ellen would have been very proud of you as she had breast cancer.