Support our challenge to step up to breast cancer!
Right now, 57 Australians are diagnosed with breast cancer every day.
This August, our team is taking part in Step Up to Breast Cancer for the mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and loves ones who are impacted by this devastating disease.
We are doing this to raise funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to support vital breast cancer research to help save lives.
Please make a donation to support our challenge and let's step up to breast cancer together!
Thank you for your support.
Our Achievements

Upload team picture

Recruit first member

25% to team goal

50% to team goal

75% to team goal

100% to team goal
Thank you to our Sponsors


Gus Godfrey

Facebook Donation


Emer Stevens
Well done ladies, such an important cause, close to my heart ❤️


Well done Jessie! I’m so proud of you for doing this!

Alysha Mclean
Amazing effort Jess!! 💖💖

Good luck Kelsey. I've been following you on my fitbit app xx

Cassandra Bates
You go girl!

The Kemps
Keep it up Jess!

Lauren Farrell

Elle Perry
You are amazing ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Jill Whan
A great cause to exercise, Jessie. Good on you!

Jessie Godfrey

Edwards Fam
Yasss Team Bendigo! ❤️❤️

Jessica Edwards

Grace Bryant

Judith Flett

Jennifer Mackenzie


Facebook Donation

Proud of you! Fuck cancer

Anna Peiris

Marianna Bertani 🌸

Peter Reghenzani

Shannon B
Love your work Woody!

Melissa Worn

The Murrays
Kick ass!!