Team Squats a-lot

Team Total

squats 1,881

Team Target
squats 22,971

Our 57 Squat Challenge for breast cancer research

57 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer today and a further 9 will lose their life. We want to make a difference to the lives of those 57 Australians impacted by the disease - that is why we are taking on the 57 Squat Challenge to raise vital funds for world-class breast cancer research. But we need your help.

Please support our squat challenge to save lives and make a difference.

Every donation, big or small, will get us closer to reaching our goal and helping the National Breast Cancer Foundation end deaths from breast cancer.

Thank you to our Sponsors



Thank you Kirsten, love you 🥰❤️


Lana Bush


Michelle Mike Kelly Brad


Katie P

Feel the deep burn!



Keep on swatting.. love your work!


Jake Big Arms

Go get em tiger!


Al And Kay

Go curl


Hooters & Lloydy

Go girl! Xox


Uncle Rick

Keep on going KP great cause xx Boofhead


Robyn Smart

Go Laura❤️


Kimberley Mcintosh


Maree And Paul

Absolutely awesome effort Kirsten


Maddy Lowe

Go Girls!! BC is one tough ride but I have no doubt your mum will beat this awful disease 💕 xoxo


Alexis Carruthers M


Bec Mccormack

Good Job Kirsten and Team


Mike Herrmann

Great job Kristen


Mary M


Kimberley R


Melanie Collins


Gym Friend Donations



Such a worthy cause close to my heart ❤️


Jenny N

Such an important cause. Good Luck!


Sally Gamble

Great work!


Clare Mccabe



Go Potty and Gail xx


Kristy & Dave Page

Good luck KP!


Janine Brown