Post a tribute, dedication or message to show your support for the 58 Australians who are diagnosed with breast cancer every day.

Post your message and let's step up to breast cancer together.

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Gail Gibson

I'm doing this for my aunty who is going through breast cancer treatment for the second time.

Chelsea Stacey

People getting diagnosed with cancer daily… At least I can do is squat !!!

Fiona young

I know too many people being diagnosed, this is such a small thing I can do! I hope to raise as much as I can to contribute to further research.

Jan Dyett

I'm participating on thid challenge to help fight this terrible desease that takes the lives of our loved ones. I'm so thankful that my sister is a survivor.

Sam Handebo

For my Mum and others - some caught early, some caught too late.

Jess semola

I'm am doing this for everyone that has ever had to deal with this horrible illness 💪

Geeta Lal

Squatting for my loved ones and be a step closer for a cure to save a loved one.

So grateful for the support of those who have made donations on my page - we are saving lives.


In memory of my Auntie who lost her battle many years ago but thinking of her everyday💗

For friends


In Memory of my Grandmother who lost her battle many years ago and my Mother in Law who survived it twice!

Tracey Clarke

In memory of my SIL,Sylvia Seymour, such a beautiful, courageous woman. Deeply missed.

I am squatting for families including my own impacted by breast cancer....The more we jump on board and support research in this area the quicker we can find a cure!!!!❤️

Natasha Hunt

Im squatting for all of the brave women who have been through or going through having breast cancer! Im helping to find a cure! :)

I'm squatting for two of my very good friends but also everyone else who has been affected by this cruel disease.


I'm squatting this year in support of my mum's cousin who has just had his first surgery for breast cancer. We all wish him good health. X

Jess Finch

I am squatting for those going through / have been through breast cancer 💗


To all the incredible people who have/are fighting through breast cancer, we are doing this for you, hoping all those diagnosed will find a cure before it’s too late.

Bell Nuske

To all the beautiful gone to soon and the ones going thru cancer atm... im squatting for you all


In reflection I am squatting 58 swats a day to maintain my health and survivorship along with other health strategies.


Keep strong all those who are going through treatment at the moment. There is hope.

Mariah Ruri

I'm doing this for anyone going through or, has been through any cancer treatment. Let's all do what we can to raise awareness and funds for such a worthy cause. In this together.


Squatting to raise funds to support research into breast cancer so that one day we will hopefully live in a world where this disease has a 100% survival rate.


Praying for anyone who were and will be diagnosed with breast cancer....God is good. This is my small token to show I care.

Rhonda Cooke

I'm doing 58 squats challenge for all survivors & my dearest friend i lost 😠 13 yrs ago .. I am squatting for everyone for the rest of this month.🥰🩷🩷


I'm doing this for anyone going through or, has been through any cancer treatment. including my mum. Let's all do what we can to raise awareness and funds for such a worthy cause. Together we can


Last year, one of our team's wife was diagnosed with stage one and is in remission. This year one of our team members is undergoing treatment. D'Students and I are doing This is for them and the other's diagnosed each day.


I’m doing this for the beautiful women No longer here to make me smile


I’m doing this for everyone who is battling breast cancer, sending love and support x


Doing it for the 58 Australians diagnosed with cancer every day.


I'm doing this for all the women out there that are battling Breast Cancer. Sending my love to all.

Stephanie stellyes

Doing the 58 squat challenge for my aunty tanni! She is amazing! So strong and never lost her sense of humour throughout her journey.

Rach H

I’m doing all the cancer fundraisers I can for my baby girl who was diagnosed with breast cancer in August last year at 22 years old. Yes 22. She’s a trouper and so is everyone else going through this shit!

Cherie Whitbread

Every day anywhere 58 women are diagnosed with breast cancer - this morning my 58 squats for women in Goondiwindi

Sami Mennen

Did you know mastitis increases your chances of developing breast cancer? I didn’t. With a prevalent family history of breast cancer already, finding this out after my 17th round of mastitis in 6 years was the last thing I wanted to know. Let’s beat this thing!

Ellie Oldham

Knowing it exists, is not enough


I was diagnosed in 2022. It's been a long and tough couple of years but I am slowly regaining my strength. I am fundraising as I hope that even better screening, even better treatments and even better prognosis aren't too far away through research. I had world-class treatment and EVERY woman deserves that no matter where she lives. (Also remember that men can be diagnosed too.)

Rebecca N

For all the family, friends and others who have been affected by this awful disease...Hoping that one day no one else needs to lose loved ones to this.

Heather M

I want no more breast cancer in the world, or at least very early detection and the best treatment available for everyone regardless of where they live. Lost some gorgeous friends because of breast cancer 🎀 🎀

Rhonda Cooke

I am missing my best friend Sue Saunders in the whole wide world . She was like a sister to me & second mother to my kids. I think of her every time .I tried to drive 2hrs to visit her at the cemetery on her birthday & special days like mother's day, Easter, Christmas depending on the weather.If i don't make it to the cemetery for whatever the reasons i light a candle & have a glass of cinzano & lemonade her favourite drink.🩷.Always treasure her in my heart 💓 😘my friend always.😢

Encouragement to us all that research will continue to improve treatments and outlooks.


I'm squatting everyday in memory of my wonderful friend Carol


For all the people touched by breast cancer and the challenges faced everyday🩷

Daniel Ashford

I’m completing the challenge for love done who have died from various forms of cancer, including breast cancer and for those loved ones who may be diagnosed in the future


I squat for every person diagnosed, every survivor and in honor of those who lost their lives fighting 💕


In honour of a great team mate Tina for being such a tough survivor.


In memory of my younger sister who lost her breast cancer battle 32 years ago at the age of 33. Her adored son now has a daughter of his own & I pray we find a cure in her lifetime. 💞


As I squat I think of my Mum, and all those who have fought or are fighting breast cancer. I have hope for that day when there is a cure to this disease.


For my mum who fought a hard fight, surpassing the expectations of all, but ultimately lost the battle. She is my strength and my inspiration. Gone way to early, but remembered always.

Charlotte Parker


Norise Tuaau

I am squatting for my Pasifika people who have been diagnosed, battling and have passed by this awful illness in hopes to help further research, show support and spread positivity to those effected.

Melanie Dorrington

Squatting for all my friends, colleagues, and patients who have had diagnoses of breast cancer. This is the most common cancer I am seeing amongst the people I know / care for.

Adelaide Cox

I love fitness and what a great way to combine the two. Having Family members struggling with this horrible disease, this is my way of being able to support them as we all know its a very trying time for them. Helping in the only way i know how.


Raising awareness and funds for prevention and research in honour of my mum, Heather, diagnosed in 2019. xx


So grateful to be able to raise awareness and funds towards such an amazing cause all the while adding more fitness into my regime. Keep it up everyone 💪🏼🩷


To all the beautiful women fighting this monster called Cancer , we are doing this for you to hopefully one day prevent this happening to women in the future. You are all strong, amazing and brave. 💜🩷❤️

Squats for life! Working together to achieve a great goal xx Thinking and praying for everyone affected by this monster. Individuals, family, friends, the greater community. We are with you, and stand by you. Don't give up

Ty Austin

Let's go. Let's look to the future and save some lives.


Stronger together. Team Pink Squad!!!!


For every $10 I raise, I add in squats to my daily total. $10 = 10 squats $20 = 20 squats etc My legs are jelly and I love it 😍


To those currently fighting, to those who have survived, here's hoping our future generations will never have to fight this battle 🩷

For Nicole….. who will be forever missed xxx this one is for you my friend….❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹💔💔


I’m fighting stage 4 breast cancer and trying to be brave for my son, it sucks but I have so much support. Just know that you are not alone and there is so much support out there.


To everyone fighting this horrible monster, know that you are strong, you are brave and you are many people's heroes. You got this strong ladies


I’m currently fighting breast cancer - I’m 3/16 rounds in. Chemo is the pits! I’ve watched it impact family and friends (breast cancer related and others) and I’m now in the thick of it! I hope the funds we raise can bring improvements to prevention, early detection and treatment options, along whatever other amazing research is in the works as we speak! 🩷

to all women, who are fighting, the survivors and sadly those who lost the battle we come together and fight for better fight for a cure with every little bit we can achieve


To anyone and everyone affected by breast cancer (and other cancers too), whether they be the survivor/fighter or family and friends, I'm here and I'm squatting for you. Every person I have known in life, (myself included) has come into contact with this insidious disease, and together we can work towards a better, stronger future. Let's go! Sending everybody love and best wishes.


Too many women in my life have been impacted, and so many I don't know. Just trying to help make a difference ❤️


To all those people who have survived or fighting, remember everyone’s journey is individual but we are all in it together! We’ve GOT THIS! Remembering and honouring those that have gained their wings.


🏋️‍♀️💗🙏💖 For mum, hayley, libby, daisy, aunts and all the women who have fought or are fighting. We got you 💖 Big love from me 💜💜💜💜


Unfortunately, I have known too many women touched by breast cancer. I'm doing this challenge for them, it's the least I can do. Many thanks to all my donors. ❤️


To those of us currently fighting, to those who have survived, here's hoping our future generations will never have to fight this battle 🩷

To all the women diagnosed with and fighting this disease you are not alone, let's fight it together ❣️💪


Dear Shelaigh, you are an inspiration and powerhouse of strength and courage. You've got this 💖💖


For all those champions demonstrating your strength 💪 we're with you

Mel Gudgeon

In honour of all the incredible fighters and survivors

Maxine Allen

I am doing this challenge for my health and to promote others to stay active too. In memory of my mum who loved to stay active and happy.

I chose to do the challenge for my fitness and all the women that have this problem.

Julia Obee

I chose to do this Challenge for my beautiful stepdaughter Nette. She is currently going through Breast Cancer. I wanted to do something to help her and other women I know who have been through it.

Riley Perry-Parmenter

In memory and in honour of everyone this has effected. Especially for the ones close to my heart. Miss you everyday Auntie Kezz 🩷

Courtney P

In memory of all the beautiful angels ♡

Colleen Musurelli

Im completing the challenge to help make a change and because I care

Belinda Jones

I am doing the challenge to fundraise and to support my friends Yakira Holtham and Sam Mason, that have experienced breast cancer 🩷

Cat D

I am a BC survivor, as well as my Mama bear 🩷 I'm doing this challenge to raisie funds and hopefully one day in the future, put an end to this once and for all 🥰

Rhonda Cooke

complete my 58 squats challenge day 1.

I am taking on the 58 Squat Challenge in memory of my lovely Mum for the 10-year anniversary


Started off strong with my commitment to 64 squats per day, in support of my mother and all women.


I completed my first 58 squats today, in honour of my beloved grandmother, June.


For everyone that has been impacted by BC - because I care. 🩷

Belinda Till

My Mum is the strongest person I know! She will beat this! I am doing this for her & all the other fighters, survivors and the ones we have lost🩷🩷🩷


We warriors fight this battle together, I am doing this for myself and all the other unlucky people that have had to walk to BC road

Alexandra Farinha

For my friend Nic and everyone else currently battling breast cancer, be strong 💕

We miss you, Lencie. Wish you could have seen the wedding


My cousin Ruiha is true warrior queen and still winning every day 💪 go team Lulu 🔥


For all those and their loved ones, impacted by Brest cancer. Too many to list. This is for you!


My grandmother fought the battle and won when she was 64, but had to have a mastectomy. She struggled with feeling comfortable for the remainder of her life. I miss her every day. I'm doing the squats challenge to raise funds to make the world a better place for women, so they don't have to go through what she did. This is her legacy.

My incredible mum is a breast cancer survivor. Her journey of recovery has been physically and emotionally challenging, but she is such an inspiration!


Lost my sister to Breast Cancer when she was 46 after a 10 year battle. Leaving behind my beautiful niece. I will do anything to teach her the strength and courage my sister showed every single day!


Had lumps removed at 18 will always support Brest cancer foundation when I can

Dee Bennier

Kat Baxter was diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant . She lived her life to the fullest while being treated but the cancer could not be stopped . She was an amazing mum, beautiful friend and dedicated marine biologist. Forever in our hearts


I as a warrior of BC. 2 years cancer free. I'm doing this for those I have lost to BC and as a challange of hope.

Joh Switzer

My Mum was first diagnosed with breast cancer just months after my Father had undergone surgery for brain cancer. In the 30 years since then she has had a second breast cancer diagnosis and mastectomy, terminal lung cancer (caused by the radiotherapy for the first breast cancer) and now is battling brain cancer. She has baffled doctors as to how she has survived and thrived despite these challenges and proves that you can beat the odds. As a long term ‘living with cancer’ survivor, I’m pretty certain that a cure would have been a much better option!

Serena Hazeldine

Just finished 111 squats today instead of 58 because I didnt count in my first video haha 🙌 lets keep going everyone! We can finish this!


I have seen this disease spread from breast to brain cancer as some of the disease wasn't picked up in a past close family member. The treatment isn't nice so I wish for a cure like everyone else on here


I'm doing this for my family members who have had this awful disease. Working out for a cure and ongoing support for all sufferers! 🩷🩷🩷


My pray is find a cure for this disease! My the memory of those that fought live on forever x Ann & Madeline forever in my heart

Monica S.

just because we care 🧡

Kylie K

Sending love to those we've lost, those who are fighting & those who have had their lives turned upside down because of cancer. I'm doing this for you 🩷

2 of my beautiful friends Rebecca and Toni! Warrior women!

Eve Franklin

This challenge is in support for my twin sister who was recently diagnosed and the many other women and men who face this diagnosis.

Kerrie Phillpotts

I'm doing this in memory of my Aunty Anne, and for my grown Kirby, who is currently fighting to kick Breast Cancer's Arse.

Jasmine Barbara

Doing this challenge with my Person, to show our support for each & every person who faces Breast Cancer. And in particular, for her brave Mum & my grandmother, who have fought to still be here today 💕

Madison Riddle

I’m doing this challenge so that every woman diagnosed with breast cancer knows how loved and supported they are 🩷

I'm doing this Challenge to raise money for Breast Cancer, and to honour all the people who have had to battle. Its a simple thing I can do to make a little difference


I’m doing this challenge in memory of my Grandma who is forever missed

Sheree and Carol

We are doing this challenge to show support and understanding for all our home care clients who have survived their breast cancer diagnosis, surgeries and the mental challenges they have endured.


I am squatting for my beloved Auntie Martha, my cousin Rachelle and every friend or colleague that has been impacted by this disease. We have come a long way with treatments and early diagnosis but we still have a long way to go so we don’t lose any beautiful soul to this disease.

Kym Thornton

I've joined with my sister in law and daughter to support my mother in law who's currently doing chemo. We love you 💓

Suzanna Judd

Doing this challenge with my B-Ross Crew, making a difference together 🩷 I am doing this for the incredible women I know that have fought this and those that continue to fight 🩷


I'm helping support the fight against breast cancer for everyone affected by it especially for people in both mine and my partners family that have been affected by it


Doing this with the EDGE team for the 58 Australian women and men who get diagnosed every day, for the 9 Australians who lose their fights to breast cancer each day. Squats are easy compared to months of chemo and radiation!


I'm taking on this challenge in support of all the strong women who are, have, and will continue to fight!

Euan Ritchie

I'm doing this in support of my amazing wife, Jen, who is currently undergoing treatment, and for all affected by breast cancer

Sammy Topping

I’m doing this with our team “Cheeky Curves Crew” in memory of a dear friend whom we lost and for my step mum who was so in tune with her body she picked up her lump very early. We do this for our gym members who have suffered, who are suffering and who are mourning with this disease. I am Forever grateful for the advances in medicine, for the team work and comrades who work together and fundraise, for the beautiful people I meet, for the dedicated sponsors and for our friendship. Participating in this challenge and creating more awareness for Breast Cancer is my way to contribute, and have some fun along the way making funny videos.


Your strength and positive attitude is an inspiration xx

Channy holliday

I'm doing this in support of my Nanna coral and our dear family friend Mel who have both just battled with breast cancer


Having Survived Breast Cancer and surviving Metastatic breast Cancer I will gladly undertake the 58 Squat challenge.

I’m doing this again for myself and all the 58 women and men that are diagnosed weekly. We can do this together.🩷💜😎


For the 58 Australian women and men who get diagnosed every day, for the 9 Australians who lose their fights to breast cancer each day, and for the people in their lives who are impacted by Breast Cancer.

Renae Pyne

Having started chemo on the 1/3/24 today is a great day to start this challenge! Having fought and walked the journey of a Triple Negative Breast Cancer diagnosis, I for one know how important exercise is. I exercised daily and as a result had little side effects. I’m doing the challenge to raise money for this great cause and to honor those that are no longer with us!!


I’m doing this for my mum. She was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer 5 years ago and has since had a double mastectomy. Everyday she encourages herself and others to live life as full as possible x

Donna baker

I'm doing this to support my mum. The day before she turned 80, she had a full right mastectomy. She tells people My RIGHT one has left, and my LEFT one is left alone. So I made her a t.shirt.


We are doing this in support of eachother, lets not loose this dedication!!


In memory of my beautiful sister Becky 💕 and gorgeous friend Charlie. Both mothers with young children that they didn't get to see grow up to their teenage years and all the treasured moments beyond.


I'm doing this challenge in support of the many people in my life who have fought, or are continuing to, fight breast cancer. I was appalled to learn that 58 people are being diagnosed each day. We need to raise awareness and fund research to find kinder ways to beat this dreadful disease.


May you all Keep Shining your lights Bright and Strong xx

Let's go team squat! I'm doing this for my Mum, who battled with humor and grace for 5 years, and for all those that are still putting their all in - doctors and nurses included! x

Karen Lloyd

Here's to my beautiful friends Theresa and Liza. Both in remission. RIP to my sister inlaw Paula.

Karen N

Sending hugs and thoughts for those going through it at the moment, whether it be surgery, chemo and or radiotherapy. 💗

Jeneen Williams

Thinking of the special women in my life.


Eff cancer 🩷

Jeannette Lowe

To everyone suffering from Breast Cancer and to those who have lost the battle. Always in our memories

Samantha Westcott

I work with women as a nurse and midwife. I’m squatting for friends who have a breast cancer diagnosis and to promote awareness.

Christine Griffin

Hope One day they find a cure.


Doing this as my favorite people on earth are women - my sisters, my mum, my aunties, my best gal pals. I love you all, I love the sisterhood! Go queens x

Nicole Richards

This is a fantastic way to exercise and raise money for a worthy cause 🩷

Amanda H

Signing up to this challenge has inspired me to not only do 58 squats a day, but to double it and raise awareness any way I can. Thinking of all the beautiful mothers, sisters and loved ones who we pay tribute to this month. 💕🌸💕🌸


Want to help in any way that I can.

Miss V

I'm doing this for 2 of the most beautiful friends a girl could have that have both been struck with Breast Cancer, Anna and Angela. These two girls show me everyday what it looks like to be a true life legend! Kind / Funny / Generous / Strong

Kylee Eaton

Doing this for my mum and my daughter. Mum survived breast cancer, raising money so my daughter will have access to the best care and up to date research if she ever needs it.

Kathryn P

I'm doing this for my brave bestie Sam, 💓 who is currently fighting this and for many other friends family and women in the past and present, you are so brave and strong!


First 58 squats done together with Yolanda! I love you.

Kaylah Edwards

Squatting for those who no longer can themselves 🩷

Kellie K

I’m squatting for love, for loss, and for hope. I’m taking on the 58 Squat a Day Challenge in memory of my beautiful Mum, whom I miss every single day. She was a fighter and the heart and soul of our family. But I’m not just doing this for her. I’m doing it for my sister, my daughters, my granddaughter, and my nieces—so that they never have to face the pain that breast cancer brings. I want a future where no family has to lose someone they love to this disease. Every squat is a step towards that future. Every donation makes a difference. If you can, please support this cause and help fund life-saving breast cancer research. Together, we can create a world where breast cancer is no longer a threat. #SquatsForBreastCancer #ForMum #ForTheOnesWeLove #StrongerTogether

Kelly Stihec

I love you Mum, you’ve been so brave and kicked Breast Cancer in the butt for the second time!


I am doing this challenge to raise awareness for breast cancer. For all people past, present and future, my little bit of support may make a difference.

Kylie de Briais Backer

I'm doing the squat challenge to help anyone I can. My friends, family and customers who are in the battle and those who have survived and to honour the memories of those we have lost!


I am doing this challenge for all the women past and present fighting breast cancer and in loving tribute to my grandmother

Elisa D’Amico

I am doing this challenge for all those women that are fighting, have fought and will are strong!


I’m doing this for my best friend Tania who recently had breast cancer. I started the challenge early as we’re going on holidays mid-March. Hoping my small contribution will help.

Deb Whelan

I'm squatting for all those people who can't 🥰

Sam Lord

For the women who have fought, are fighting, and will fight in the future ❤️💪


Dedicating the challenge to my Nanny Faye and Sister Leehane. This one hits really close to home for me. Photo is of my Sister ❤️


1st year squatting as I lost my mum in November. Breast cancer took her after just shy of 2 years from diagnosis. I couldn't save my mum, but if I can help save someone else... then that's a goal worth squatting for!!


I'm doing this for my friend Kay, who lost her battle 14 years ago and for all the women I know who have had breast cancer. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her and wish I could have one last hug and laugh together.


Doing this challenge for my mum, and all the women who are battling and have battled this horrible disease


Squatting for my best friend of 23 years, a recent cancer diagnoses and her first round of chemo yesterday. She's beautiful, strong, resilient and courageous and I know she will be Breast Cancer!!!

Jenevieve Vega

Hello to all

Sienna Watson

For both my grandmothers who were diagnosed. Gladys who we sadly lost too soon in ‘85 and my other grandmother Kathleen who survived it 🩷


I’m squatting for the many women and a man I know who have had breast cancer. A small thing from me but there are participants aiding crucial research that can make a difference

Courtney Marcelino

“Every day, 58 Australians receive a breast cancer diagnosis—a reminder of the strength, resilience, and courage of those facing this battle. Today, I stand in support of all the fighters, survivors, and their loved ones. You are not alone. Let’s continue raising awareness, supporting research, and showing our love for those affected. Together, we can make a difference. 💖 #BreastCancerAwareness #SupportTheFight


Squatting for my mum and other friends who have had breast cancer. Hope we find a cure soon!


I’m squatting for my beautiful daughter in law Jen and for everyone who has been affected by Breast Cancer


I’m squatting for my beautiful friend Trudy and all women fighting breast cancer. Good luck to everyone that has committed to squatting!


Good luck everybody! We've got this


Good luck to everyone and congratulations in participating in such a phenomenal event.


So proud of so many of our team joining in to help raise funds. What a wonderful job I have to work with so many amazing people! Here to help and Care for Everyone.


Let’s bring light and laughter to a great cause . Squatting together to help 💕🦄


I want to help in anyway i can 🙂


Its a small thing that I can do that can really help others - bit of a no brainer really


I was startled that since my first challenge four years ago, the number of people diagnosed has increased by 3 per day! If my 58 squats a day can help even just one person, I will be happy. We've Got This!

3rd year participating in this great cause! 3x squats for every Australian diagnosed every day🩷


First year participating... Too many people close to me let alone across Australian getting diagnosed. We will win!


We’ve come so far, but still have more to do.

Barb Olsen

In memory of my cousin Jenni Armstrong who was so incredible through her cancer journey. She was so loved and was such a caring person.


Without this life-saving treatment I may not be here, I am so grateful to everyone who participates and raises awareness and funds! Thankyou!


For my friend Michelle - taken too early in life by this horrible disease.

This is my first year and I already do 100 squats a day so why not use that to help make a difference. Sending love and prayers to everyone who has battled breast cancer.

Doing it for you!

Myself and my team are doing this for a loved one and everyone else that has or is going through this. Sending all my love and prayers to everyone 🫶 DOING IF FOR YOU!


Our bit everyday ! We will get there !!

This will be my first year participating. I will be doing this for my nan and every other person who has ever been through the wars of breast cancer.


First year of the squat challenge for me and I’m ready to do this for my mum, who was diagnosed with breast cancer many years ago…I would love to make her proud and raise a lot of money for the NBCF.

This will be my 5th year and I squat for my nana!

First year doing the challenge! Excited, scared, nervous .... Ready to get legs of steel!! Wish me luck 🤞


This is my 5th year in a row and I plan to continue to do it every year for the forseeable future!! It's my way of contributing and raising funds to help anyone who is diagnosed or suffering from Breast Cancer. Stay strong xxxx

Eleni Y

To all those who received the terrible life changing news you have breast cancer we are doing this for you. Hopefully the small things we do like this help all those who need it in some way. I've been too close to too many who have the big C and it doesn't discriminate. Here supporting you all

Leanne Bidwell

I squat every year for people I love, people I've lost and every person living through this

This is for the brave women in my life that have survived breast cancer as well as the incredible ones that have not


Today marks the 12-month anniversary of my breast cancer diagnosis, and I am currently undergoing treatment, alongside friends who are also navigating their own journey. I have pledged to do 58 squats per day in March, while taking a trip to the Victorian High Country between treatments, to complete what I was unable to do last year due to my diagnosis. The Victorian High Country's picturesque views and iconic landmarks will provide a unique backdrop for my daily squats. My objective is to raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, to save lives from breast cancer and promote awareness and early detection


I’m doing this to give back for all the love and support I received through my journey. I also want to remember the amazing humans we have lost to breast cancer 💕


Im doing this for myself, my family and all the woman… we are in this together 💪🏼


I’m doing this for my family, my friends and my amazing work colleagues. In whatever way you’re navigating your own journey or supporting role, keep strong. We’re behind you. 💕


I am doing this for a member of my family and 2 very close friends 1 which has 4 moths of treatment to go and to see first hand someone going through the process ,treatment and pain doing this for 1 month is a very small sacrifice for me .

I am doing this as I have been through breast cancer treatment and unfortunately know too many others going through this too. Thinking of you all xx


I'm doing this in the hope that my granddaughter will never have to suffer through this disease, like other family members have..


Thinking of those impacted by this terrible disease.


For those who are affected by this horrible disease in any way. Too many people have been taken from this world because of it.

Rebecca Gray

I’m doing my squats to support our sisterhood. For those whom this has touched in any and every way

I am doing this in the hope we can find the answers to help the women of the world

Jemimah Hughes

I'm doing this in hope that one day, no one will have to go through having any sort of cancer & for the ladies out there that unfortunately have to go through such a horrible thing, this one's for you 🩷

Jo Borrett

I’m doing my squats to support our sisterhood. For those whom this has touched in any and every way hopefully there’ll come a day when this horrible cancer is gone xx


I am doing this as I am currently going through the treatment for breast cancer and I know of many other's who have fought thos battle, let's get some fund-raising done and get some more cures in place

Mel Micheletto

For my dear anonymous friend, and all the women who are fighting this disease, you are superstars! Xx


For everyone that have been through, are going through & unfortunately will go through this horrid disease it is for all of you, your family & friends. Stay strong. We are with you. xx


3rd time living with this monster for my mum…Keep kicking it to the curb Mags 🩷


Thinking of our Kimmy, she is still with us on our journeys but we lost her too soon


For everyone that has been affected by Breast Cancer


Too many people have been touched by this in my extended circle and it makes me mad and sad. Every little bit helps


In memory of my mum Monique who lost her fight way too young and in support to the women you are battling and surviving


We can conquer this together.


I'm taking on the 57 squat challenge for my cousin!


In honour of my brave Mum and the ladies who have fought or are currently fighting this nasty disease. xxx


"For those who have fought before us, and for those who will rise after us — together, we stand strong. We will endure, and we will prevail!"


I pledge to do 58 squats daily to help people who are suffering from breast cancer. I will do this together with my workplace colleagues! I Love it!

Elly M

In memory of those lost & to help those fighting this battle. Together we can make a difference ❤️

Ali Devenish

For those who are battling, for those we have lost and for those that are leading the charge to research new treatments and cures for this horrible disease.


Last year I planked in April for this great cause raising over $1200. This year my team - Squats for Life! & I take on the 58 Squats per day for 0 deaths. Our goal is to raise $5000 for NBCF.


You've got this. I'm a survivor 15 years and going strong. 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Rachel Rees

Love the survivors in my family

Kaniva Squats

This is for our family and friends who have or have had breast cancer, for those who have survived and in memory of those who haven't. This touches us all.


For those we have lost and those fighting their battles now. Let's work together to stop this before it begins for others.

Fran Dall'Alba

I've been fundraising for breast cancer research since I was a teen after a close friend lost her aunt. I'm still doing what I can now after benefiting from the donations that improved effectiveness of treatments, allowing me to recover quickly from my own tussle with breast cancer. I'll keep raising funds as long as I'm able so that I can help others navigating this nuisance of an illness.


58 Squats per day for 58 survivors and warriors is the least I can do to show my love and respect for your journeys! For those who are fighting the fight, I believe in you! Keep pushing on, you've got this!

Kath Creel

My friend Helen passed away yesterday from breast cancer. I am doing the squats to raise money and awareness for a cure for this horrible disease.

I'm doing this to help make a difference for those that have had breast cancer in the past and those we have lost, support friends and family that have been impacted. I think the more awareness we raise and funds to help improve research and treatments help improve outcomes and save lives. To increase awareness and early detection help so much


I am doing this challenge to support women in my life who have fought and won against breast cancer, and in memory for those who didn’t.


I am doing this for family/friends members who have had been affected by breast cancer.

Michelle B.

This is for my family and friends who have or have had breast cancer and those who have been affected by a loved one having breast cancer

I am doing this challenge to support women in my life who have fought and won against breast cancer, and in memory for those who didn’t.


I pledge to do 58 Squats each day for the month of March. This one is for you 🫶🏻

Clare H

This is for my family and friends who have or have had breast cancer and those who have been affected by a loved one having breast cancer

Amanda Ryan

For women and men. For those close calls. Those who have it. Fought it and won. For those who left us behind. We all fight together.

Amanda Reid

For me, and every other person diagnosed with breast cancer.


For my Mum 💕


For my dearest friend Anna ! A Survivor


I pledge to complete no less than 58 squats for every day of March. I'm doing this for the friends and family close to me effected by breast cancer or other types of cancer and also to those around the world who are battling through the disease.

Abigail Finlay

I pledge to do 58 squats per day in honour of all who battle any type of cancer, while raising money for breadt cancer research, specifically, in the hope of combating this disease.

Ange Swinbourne

I will be participating in the squat challenge during the month of March! I will pledge to completing no less than 58 squats per day in the loving memory of my family members and friends who have lost their fight with this horrible disease... but also in honor of those who have fought and won 🩷

Zoe Hudson

I pledge to do 58 squats each day of March in support of all those who have had to battle this horrible disease and to raise much needed funds for NBCF 💕

Deb Nash

I pledge to do 58 squats per day to raise much needed funds for the NBCF.

Ashleigh Lancaster

I am pledged to do 116 squats a day, for my aunt Patrice that has diagnosed last year and has gone through her treatment.

Gaye Reader

I am doing this in memory of my cousin that lost her fight with breast cancer earlier this year, as well as family members and my mum that have been diagnosed with this.

Trud Lee

For my Bestie 💖 forever

For everyone who has gone through this, you are so strong! Let’s help people together 🩷

Melissa Charman

For my sister in law, Step mother and my friend all who have done the hard yards and let us support them in this squatting donation way.

Theresa Russo

For my survival, for Victoria who didn’t make it. To everyone going through the journey, warriors together! 💪

For my beautiful mumma and aunty


I am doing this to honour my mum who sadly passed from breast cancer 13 years ago. Lets find a cure for this terrible disease that affects far too many women.


I'm doing this for my mum and loved ones that have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

I am doing this in memory of my Grandma and my Nan who both were breast cancer warriors. Together we can beat this 💪

I'm squatting for my Nanna, this year is 17 years without her. I miss you nanna xxx


Sending love to the women who have gone through this, we are on your team 💗


58 Squat for 58 Warriors is the least I can do to show my love and respect for the journey you are on or have been on. For those who are fighting the fight, Keep Going! You've Got This!


1 WEEK TO GO! To all the warriors—whether you're in the battle, a survivor, or someone who has supported a loved one, your journey matters and your story is powerful.


To all those diagnosed with breast cancer, your courage and resilience shine through every challenge. Today, I honor your strength and dedication. You inspire not just Australia, but the world, with your bravery in the face of adversity. May you feel surrounded by love, hope, and unwavering support. Together, we stand in solidarity, working towards a future where no one fights alone. Sending all my love and strength to you on this journey.


I am doing the squats to show how we can thrive after breast cancer. My cancer metastasised 2 years ago and because of research since I first had breast cancer I’m still living a full life. This is for anyone doing it tough.


58 squats a day is an easy way to remind me of the 58 Australian women who are diagnosed every day . This is for them


I'm doing 1860 squats this March for my loved ones, Alison, Judy, Sammy and Ashlee. Breast cancer is in at least 4 generations in my family. Research is important to me so future generations won't have to experience uncertainty.

For my mum, relatives and friends who have battled breast cancer xx

Doing this for my mum who is a breast cancer survivor


I am squatting to support for the 58 Australians who are diagnosed with breast cancer every day.


Wishing everyone affected by breast cancer, past and present, strength, support and love. 58 diagnoses a day is an alarming figure. Let's keep fighting for awareness and progress!

1 week to go! We’ve got this!

In awe of the fighting spirit I have come across just on this platform alone. I have not had to experience breast cancer in my own life but felt compelled to support such a great cause 🩷


This is my first year doing this. If I think this is tough, I couldn't imagine what breast cancer survivors have had to go through. We will keep fighting 💪


Hugs to all still fighting and tears fall for all we have lost. Hope for a future without this disease and medicine to prevent it. Time to enjoy every day as new.


If I can do it, you can do it - LETS DO THIS TOGETHER 🫶🏻


We’ve come so far in term of detection and treatments, lets not stop now and power through to more progress!

Tanya peagam

As a breast cancer survivor I’m Doing this challenge to take control of my body again! Goals 🩷🩷


I’m doing this challenge for those past and present with breast cancer!

Krystal B

I’m doing the squat challenge for everyone past and present who have gone through this horrible disease. ❤️

Summer Leach

I am a 16 year old girl and I am promoting this page toward breast cancer as I am fortunate enough to be able to have a body to push. Help me achieve my goals to support a good cause.

Julie Craig

As a breast cancer survivor, I stand with the 58 Australians diagnosed every day. I know the fear, the fight, and the strength it takes. To those battling now—you are not alone. To the survivors, the fighters, and the ones we’ve lost, I honor you. Let’s keep raising awareness and pushing for better treatments!

For all women near and dear that have been impacted by breast cancer. Your strength is an inspiration! ❤️

Shellie M

These squats are for Chrissie and Margaret and everyone else brave enough to tackle breast cancer head on. You're all heroes.

Mariangela C

I am doing 58 squats a day for all my loved ones who have struggled and continue to struggle with breast cancer.

Kya B

I’m doing 58 squats a day for those who struggle with breast cancer 🫶

Nevada B

I am squatting to support for the 58 Australians who are diagnosed with breast cancer every day.


I am squatting in support of the beautiful women that have struggled with breast cancer ❤

Ron Lazones

I’m doing the 58 squat challenge for the second year in support and honour of my beautiful daughter, Gemma, as she negotiates her way along the journey of dealing with having the BRCA gene.

Aimee Smith

I'm squatting to support Jodie, Kazzy and all our Mums, Aunts, Sisters, Friends and Family.

Caitlin G

I'm squatting in support of all my family and friends who have been affected by breast cancer.


I’m doing the squat challenge in support of my cousin battling breast cancer! ❤️

I'm doing the squat challenge in memory of my angel Mumma and my beautiful friend Julienne.

Lisa A

I’m doing the squat challenge in support of friends and family that have been impacted by breast cancer.


Pushing my limits to complete the squat challenge in support of my daughter who well and truly pushed her limits last year to complete her treatment for TNBC. 🩷🩷


I’m squatting for Mumma H 🩷

Natalie Atkinson

I am undertaking the squat challenge in support of my courageous friend, Sam, who is currently battling breast cancer.


My contribution to the 58 Squat Challenge is dedicated to all of the people who have fought, are fighting, or have yet to fight this terrible disease. 58 people every single day is too many!


I was on the 58 on September 20. My treatment journey is coming to an end, 3 more doses of chemo before a double mastectomy. I've opted for a double as even though my genetic testing came back as negative, I don't want to live with the fear of it returning. I pray that more research goes into breast cancer diagnosis and treatment!


Squatting to spread awareness! 💓

Toni Shannon

Cancer has taken family and friends. Gratefully, in recent years, I’ve noticed that research and treatments have been saving lives and more funds are needed to keep this trend going. My tribute is dedicated to all the hard work, the determination to overcome illness and never giving up. ❤️💪🎀


I'm doing this challenge for the 58 Australians diagnosed with breast cancer every day, as well as for my cousin who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 29. I'm an allied health professional who has treated people with and survived breast cancer. It is a cause close to my heart and hope all our contribution creates better care.

Renae Eaton

I’m doing this in the hope that our daughters don’t have to worry about breast cancer. I’m recovering from double mastectomy with reconstruction and hope that I can make a difference for our future women.


Doing this for all those women who have been affected by this disease


I'm currently recovering from breast cancer, a double mastectomy and reconstruction. It's been a tough journey and grateful to be out the other side. I'm fortunate my cancer was picked up early, however, treatment options are still aggressive. More research and funding is needed 🩷

Rachel T

Diagnosed stage 4 almost 4 years ago, I've been able to continue living my life and being there for my family thanks to life saving cancer treatment. Every bit helps!


Doing this for my beautiful mum who recently has been diagnosed with 2 cancers in the same boob and other beautiful women going through this hard time

Doing this to my sister in law Lee Jacobson and all the strong beautiful people who are diagnosed with Breast cancer to help support them in their journey.


I'm Olivia, 25yrs old and doing this for the beautiful women who are faced with breast cancer. Together we can make a difference 🎗💗

I’m 30 years old and I am participating for all women young and old who have been affected by this awful disease. Let’s do this!


Doing this for my mum who is battling the triple negative cancer. She is a strong woman and I want to follow in her footsteps and do this for her. I love her so much.


Doing this for me and all the strong beautiful people who are diagnosed with Breast cancer to help support them in their journey & continue with vital research


I’m Alyssa, I am 16 years old and I am doing this to support my aunty who has recently overcome breast cancer 😁😁


Im doing this with my team of Dragon Boat Abreast survivors to acknowledge the 58 people a day that will face a breast cancer diagnosis. Our donations will aid in new research and treatments for all types of breast cancer and support of those living with this diagnosis. .

Doing this for our Mum & Cousin who we love dearly xx


I’m undertaking this challenge to be able spread awareness for this amazing foundation and support those families that are affected.


Doing this to support an amazing cause, and to spread awareness. Too many are affected by cancer, family, friends and people we all know. It's my time to help make a small difference 🩷🩷🩷🩷


Spreading awareness and supporting those going through it


Doing this to show my support to the cause and to further support my mother going through this currently.


We stand together, united in the fight, supporting each other every step of the way. You are never alone in this journey.

im squatting to spread more awareness and support anyone struggling


Doing my part towards Zero deaths to breast cancer. My personal experience living with metastatic breast cancer inspires me to do more so others don’t have to go through what I am going through.

Troy Constable

Lets do this.


Friends and family have been impacted by breast cancer and I want to step up (or squat down) and help fund research to help all sufferers.

Natalie Grainger

Im doing this for family and friends i know have suffered or still suffering


This is for all of the strong woman that are fighting, you are not alone we will stand with you all 💛

Belinda Barlow

I will do my part to help the women suffering every single day.


This is for my family who have been affected by this horrible cancer and my dear friend who is undergoing treatment.


This a cause is very close to our families hearts as we have been affected by this 💔 that's why we are doing this challenge so we can raise money to one day have zero deaths

Czarina O’Mahony

For loved ones who have battled this horrible disease. I pray for the day we finally beat breast cancer (and all other forms of cancer) once and for all!

Allison Ockenden

I'm so incredibly lucky to have not been touched by breast cancer. Until last week when an aggressive form took my fur baby. I can't imagine what families go through. I'm squatting for all the family members i'll never meet.

Michelle Rae

Breast cancer has affected many people in my life especially in my family. I am completing this challenge in a hope we find a cure, and no one ever has to go through the uncertainty of it.


We all know or know of someone facing breast cancer whether directly or in directly! We just never know what's around the corner - big love to all 🩷

Urika Jones

Squatting in support of everyone bravely fighting breast cancer and cherishing the memory of those we've lost. In loving honour of my late Tita Dory, who will forever remain in our hearts. By raising awareness, we bring hope to countless lives and work toward a future where no one has to face this battle. Together, we can make a difference

Maddison Corke

Everyone knows someone who has been affected by breast cancer at cancer. I’m doing this for them.

Maureen Scott

Breast cancer has affected many members of my family and so many of my friends. I hope by completing this challenge I can help raise money to help fight this terrible disease.


This is my first time doing this challenge but I stand with the 58 diagnosed Everday!


Following the step up challenge this is my first squat challenge. A very powerful message to raise awareness and raise much needed fund for important research and support for those affected.

Lauren McVicar

One Day at a time One Step at a time Do what you can do your best Let God handle the rest

Kelly Bates

This is my second squats in March challenge. Already have had some amazing support, and kind donations. Bring on March and raising awareness for breast cancer

Michele Rowe

We stand with the 58 Australians diagnosed with breast cancer. Your courage and strength inspire us all. Together, we strive for greater awareness, and compassionate care. You are not alone. 💗


I am undertaking this challenge to support all those who have suffered and those who continue to suffer. Doing 58 squats per day is the least that I can do to stand in solidarity!

Abbey Duckworth

Breast cancer has affected too many people in my family, it took away my mummy, no one else should have to go through what she went through, and I shouldn’t have to fear it either. Let’s raise this money for research together!


I’m doing this challenge as cancer has had an effect on many of my family members. I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer, so let’s get together and fight. We are not alone. 💜💜💜💜

Alisha Khan

To the 58 Australians diagnosed daily, You are strong, brave, and never alone. Your resilience is inspiring and your fight is a testament to your courage. As someone close to my heart continues his battle with stage 4 breast cancer, his strength reminds me of the incredible warriors facing this journey every day. On tough days, hold onto hope and know that brighter days are ahead! Sending you love, strength, and support. 💕

Abbey Robotham

Here to support all those currently struggling with Breast Cancer, and to remember those who lost their battle. Here's to stopping all Breast Cancer related deaths by 2030!


I’m doing this for my beautiful nana who lost her battle to breast cancer 11 years ago, her birthday is on 29th of March and she would have been 74 this year, I love and miss her so much. She was the strongest women I knew❤️

Every cent counts, let’s do this for everyone who’s been affected by breast cancer!!! ❤️❤️❤️


58 diagnosed is 58 too many!! I am dedicating my fundraising efforts to all those who get this terrible news and to all the many who have lost their lives. This is a cause close to my heart.....I lost my amazing and beautiful sister in 2018, I miss her everyday!!

Rachael Hughes

58 women everyday is too many! 1 is too many i hope for the day a cure is found and none of us have to experience this horrible journey. I call it a Nightmare My Mum has been diagnosed with cancer 5 Timee beaten it 4 Times… The latest of her diagnoses has NO CURE 😢 Myself and my 2 Brothers have been fighting all the way along by her side,She is my WARRIOR strongest lady I know, But she’s Tired,sick of fighting it’s so sad to watch .PLEASE MAKE A CURE FOR BREAST CANCER 2025 All the money that has gone into research, and donations to the National breast cancer Foundation,They should have a cure if not be close to haveing one..Please Support any Cause By Donating to My Breast Cancer Fundraiser, All Donations Go strait to The National Breast Cancer Foundation…….🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


58 women everyday is too many! 1 is too many i hope for the day a cure is found and none of us have to experience this horrible journey again.


I have a family & personal history with the frightening reality that is breast cancer 🎀 i am here for all those past, current & future

Shona Baigent

Doing 116 squats a day. For those with breast cancer be positive


This is for my beautiful mum that has recently been diagnosed, I’m also doing this to support all men and women struggling through their diagnosis

Alyssia Robinson

Doing 3596 squats in 31 days. Good luck everyone!💗

Steve Rush

For My family and friends

Im taking on this challenge as a friend is currently in the trenches, 1 has recently been through it and ive lost one. This is for them and all the other brave women out there!

Raise awareness on behalf of my friends, family and all who have experienced it.

Claire O'Shea

I’m taking on this challenge for the many women out there that have to face such a tough battle🫶🏻

I’m doing this for all the women we’ve lost, who are fighting, newly diagnosed and yet to be!


I'm joining this challenge in loving memory of my beautiful mother-in-law Marlene Kerr. The strongest woman I know ❤️

Jeanette Muscat

Bring on the daily quad burn for those we’ve lost, those who are fighting, and for everyone involved in research and caring for breast cancer patients…

Matthew Briggs

I've always wanted to do something like this to help support women. Running is normally my big go to thing but they don't allow men to run the Carmens run which is generally pretty popular. This is my way to be able to help where I can and to also push myself at the same time.


I want to show my support for all those who have battled with breast cancer. I hope we can find a cure. sending all my love

Patty D

To support loved ones, friends, colleagues while remembering those lost while helping to fundraise now so we can find a cure in future.


I’m dedicating this challenge to my close friend who is currently going through triple negative breast cancer. I would also like to raise money for the cancer research.

To raise awareness of breast cancer on behalf of my friends who have experienced it.


Everyone needs to check their boobies, men, women, young, older - everyone!!


Devastating to see the numbers go up every year. Year 5 in support of this important fundraiser in support of anyone diagnosed.


To the 58 Australians diagnosed daily, we stand with you. Your strength inspires us. Together, we step up, support, and fight to create a future without breast cancer.


I hope I raise a lot of money and make an impact for those battling breast cancer.

Mel Oliveri

I’m a lucky one and survived. I want everyone to survive . Check ladies, constantly. It can slip by you so fast so repeatedly check The fight the biggest fight and win For my mum

This is a tribute to family we have lost to breast cancer. My mother Rosemary (1985) and her sister/my Aunty Jenny (2010), dearly missed. Also to my Great Aunt Ella and Great Grandmother. My hope for the future is to stop this faulty BRCA1 gene that has impacted our family, including myself and my sister Terrie. I hope this faulty gene ends with me so that my daughters can live a happy and healthy life, free from cancer.

Evelyn Bullard

Every little bit helps!

Alisha Hobbs

Be brave: "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think". Be thankful: "Be thankful for this day. You are here, breathing and living life". Be positive: "We decide whether we are going to be victims or survivors".

Let's do this! ❤

squatting to save lives... hoping to raise funds to go towards vital research. zero deaths from breast cancer would be amazing. While we have had breast cancer in our family, thankfully they have all lived to tell the tale. I feel for those with loved ones who haven't. so let's do this for all affected by breast cancer !

I’m here to support all that have been affected by breast cancer.

Michelle Steane

This I do in honour of my amazing mum who died at 44 from stage 4 cancer. 21yra without her and it still hurts

Patrice Armitage

Standing together in support, hope, and remembrance. Honoring those affected by breast cancer and striving for a future without it.

Megan Lee

For Sue, Lena, Bec and friends & all touched by this awful big B of a disease. We got you 💕

Jane Warren

After nearly 5 years cancer free I owe it all to Prof. John Collins and the team

Let's go! Let's help beat cancer! My cousin, my amazing cousin didn't get breast cancer, but they did get cancer and now in their memory, I'm doing this challenge so no one has to feel what I've felt from losing them to cancer xx 💔

Melanie Baini

In memory of my beloved, my emerald girl. Thank you for your unwavering support. I wish you could have met my girl; you would have adored her. I trust you are watching over my husband. You will forever remain in my heart.

Arlene Tauhara

For a cure #fukcancer! For my daughter bravely fighting it. For all those past present and no longer with us.


Im doing this foe everyone who has been through this with no one beside them .

Martina Sala

I am dedicated my squat challenge for my auntie Boža who is still fighting this disease. I pray for her strength and health.


In memory of Aunty K, who fought a hard battle to the end. Always in our hearts.

Stace Wolf

58 Squats a day to raise awareness for breast cancer, so many ladies are affected by this horrible cancer.


This Tribute is for my Mother who is currently battling from breast Cancer, Doing these challenges helps ease a tiny bit of all the grief we go through each day . To also all the other Woman and Men out there on the same journey , your all my hero’s my strength , keep up the fight 🩷

Katerina Kotselas

This foundation holds a special place in my heart. In March 2023, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After surgery and radiation therapy, I am now 18 months in remission, with a bright future ahead. This post is for all the women who have lost their battle to this ugly disease, and for those currently fighting. Be strong, hold on to hope, and know that we are all here for each other—offering support, love, and strength. God bless! 💕💪

Amelia Thomas

My tribute is to my Nan who fought the fight of breast cancer like many others, I would also like to tribute to all the other women and families who are fighting this battle ❤️ the Love and support I give is endless!!


This is for my sisters and all women who’ve had diagnoses, treatment, and more xxx


This is for my Aunty and sister and co workers that have gone through this


This foundation is very important to me having someone in my life suffer through this along with many other women its my time to give back and help fight the cause! Us women need to stick together and fight together no one needs to fight this alone!

Angela H

For those that have been through the stress of the not knowing, the fear of diagnosis, the treatment and beyond. Every one of you is a fighter and this is for you because nobody fights alone!

Jo Dale

Joining this challenge to help raise money for such an important cause. So many people throughout my life I have known to have this cancer. It is devastating, for so many involved. Particularly thinking of my aunty Jenny who is in remission at the moment and doing fabulous. Keep on fighting the big C and let’s continue to develop new ways to kick its butt!

For all those people who have lost someone special, this is for you 🫶


To all the fighters, survivors, and their loved ones - this is for you! Keep pushing forward and know that you are never alone!


Doing this challenge for myself, my Mum, my Mum's sister (RIP), my Dad's sister (RIP), my cousin and a few good friends. For those who have supported and cared for their loved ones through breast cancer. Also for the Doctor's and scientists working towards zero deaths from breast cancer.

Sarah Smith

This is for you auntie Kirsty, my body is going to hurt, but it's nothing compared to what you went through. RIP beautiful lady

Monique Sugars

Grandma, this one’s for you.

Naomi Smith

This March, I’m squatting for a cause that’s deeply personal to me. Late last year, my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. Watching her face this challenge with strength, resilience, and courage has been nothing short of inspiring. To honour her journey and to support others battling breast cancer, I’ve joined with Bosom Buddies to raise awareness and funds for this important cause. Every squat I do symbolizes the fight, the hope, and the strength that so many people show every day. Please join my friends and I, in making a difference. Whether it’s through your donation, sharing this message, or cheering us on, your support means everything. Together, we can help fund research, provide resources, and show unwavering support to those in need. For my sister, and for everyone affected by breast cancer—this one’s for you.


For my loves one who I love and miss very much xo

To my Doctor Jun Zhao. An inspirational person who has fought the odds 👏 💙

Mylee pynt

To all my grandparents this is for you ❤️


I'm squatting to help raise valuable funds to help with research and finding a cure.


in memory of my beautiful mumma. You were taken to soon but your with me every day 💜


To my family and friends, We are doing this for you 💞

Di and aunty Fin

For you both you fought a hard battle right til the end. Love you both and miss you with all my heart x


I'm squatting for all that have battled and are battling the families and friends who have supported them.

Abi R

Squatting to help those less fortunate than I, their families, and the wonderful medical teams who deal with the heartbreak daily. May we lone day live in a cancer free world.

Leanne Russell

Squatting for my first year in honour of my long time friend Alana Gray who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer 🎀

Janet Topham

For everyone who has gone through this insidious disease, those who are fighting it, those who have supported the fighters and survivors - we wouldn’t have got to where we are without you.


A challenge im happy to accept in support of all of those who have been touch by breast cancer!

Leah Marett

I’m squatting to support research efforts to prevent and treat breast cancer. For better and earlier diagnostics, targeted therapies and preventive measures. For my mum, wherever she is.

First year squatting!! Let’s do this! 💕

Squatting to grow the right kind of lumps in support of all lumps unfound.

Susan McComb

Squatting in memory of my Aunty Grace who passed away at 41. Wish I'd gotten to know her better. Also for all those diagnosed.🩷 x


Squatting for my MIL 💖 Together, we can make a difference in the fight against breast cancer..

First year squatting for everyone diagnosed


Squatting in memory of my aunty ❤️ sending love and support to all those going through breast cancer


This is my first year squatting I'm squatting for all those diagnosed.


First year squatting, doing this for the loved ones i know who have had/fighting breast cancer 🎀

Jasmin moffitt

Hey everyone, i will be doing 58 squats a day during march to support national breast cancer foundation. Any donations or if your interested to join the cause and squat for women battling breast cancer in march please sign up! 58 women are being diagnosed or have been diagnosed every single day in Australia with breast cancer. Women all over our country are battling and fighting this horrible disease, I felt It was my duty to get behind these women and support them and the NBCF. To help make a small difference makes a big difference! I have donated $58 personally to get the donations started - $1 to every women diagnosed every single day 🎀🎗🩷 #squatchallenge #58squats #NBCF #BeTheDifference


Hi was diagnosed with DCIS in 2014 and it was the scariest day of my life ,and then my brother was diagnosed with mouth and throat cancer, I am doing this to help everyone that cancer affects -hopefully one day it will be a thing of the past


My beautiful friend was diagnosed last year, she’s a fighter and one of the strongest women I know. Let’s help raise awareness, fund research and treatment for this horrible disease.


First time doing this challenge, I'm keen to smash it and donate money for a very important cause 🩷💪


1st time doing the squat challenge, I am looking forward to the challenge and to help raise funds for such a great cause!


1st year participating, but I am looking forward to this fun event for such an important cause! I lost my beautiful Nan to Breast Cancer. I am doing this for anyone who has lost someone to Breast Cancer.


Think this is the first time doing the squat challenging, but want to raise funds for breast cancer research and to raise awareness !


I believe this is my 3rd year doing the 58 squats challenge for my aunty Anjie. She is a beautiful woman with the most amazing personality 💖. I love seeing how many people come to support other women. Good luck everyone! Don't forget to stretch your legs out 🥰


1st year as participating and looking forward to the challenge to support 58 women to make their journey easier. I am doing this for Friends and Family.


After finding a lump at the end of last year and an anxious two weeks for results i was lucky enough to find my lumps benign, unfortunately there are amazing people out there who aren't so lucky and I just want to help bring awareness and support for those who need it 🩷🩷

My farmor (grandma) was diagnosed with breast cancer roughly 18 months ago. As her treatment nears completion, hopefully, I wanted to not only take the opportunity to show my gratitude for the healthcare that has helped her but rally behind the survivors, the strong women battling it, and those that have not yet received their diagnosis.


Doing this for me, and the 57 others that were diagnosed the same day as me. Also for my mum, a survivor thanks to the amazing research done before 💗

Chris nowrojee

The worn leather of the hospital chair felt cold against my numb legs. Across from me, Dayday, his face etched with grief, held my hand. Our eyes, red-rimmed and swollen, met across the sterile white room. "Seven times," Mom's voice, raspy and weak, echoed in my memory. "Seven times they said I was free. Seven times I fought back, for you two." Two years. Two precious years of stolen time. We'd laughed, we'd cried, we'd built sandcastles and chased fireflies. We'd celebrated every birthday, every holiday, as if it were the last. But the cancer, the insidious beast, had returned. Not in her breast this time, but in the very marrow of her bones, in the lifeblood that coursed through her veins. It had spread, a silent, relentless predator, devouring her from within. The doctors had given her days, maybe a week. "Don't leave us, Mom," I whispered, the words catching in my throat. She squeezed my hand, a frail echo of her once-powerful grip. "I'll be watching over you, boys. Always." The next few days were a blur of whispered promises, tearful goodbyes, and the comforting presence of Dayday by my side. We held her hand, sang her favorite songs, and told her stories of our childhood, our laughter filling the sterile room, a fragile counterpoint to the impending silence. Then, one quiet morning, with the first rays of dawn filtering through the window, Mom slipped away. Her hand, still warm in mine, went limp. Dayday and I, hand in hand, watched as they lowered her casket into the ground. The earth, cold and unforgiving, claimed the woman who had given us life. Ride or die, we'd vowed, a childhood pact forged in the crucible of siblinghood. And as we stood there, two figures etched against the somber backdrop of the cemetery, I knew with a certainty that transcended grief: Ride or die. Bad boys for life. We would live, not just for ourselves, but for her. We would honor her memory by living a life filled with love, laughter, and the unwavering bond of brotherhood. And though the silence of her absence would forever echo in our hearts, we would carry her with us, a guiding star in the endless night. Note: This story aims to capture the raw emotion of the situation while maintaining a respectful tone. If you or someone you know is struggling with cancer, please remember that support is available. Reach out to cancer organizations, support groups, or mental health professionals for guidance and assistance.

Doing this for my mum who’s been diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer in the last few weeks. You’ve got this mum! And so do all the other amazing woman going through this horrible disease. Xx

Inspired to do this to support the fabulous pocket rocket who literally changed my life for the better.

Arti Makanji

Supporting 2 of my loved ones💞 You got this girls💪🏽😘 Kick cancer in the butt💃🏽💃🏽


Got this for you Michelle and Mum!!

Nicki Facey

To all those impacted i want to let you know that i will always have your back and continue to support you :)

Casey S

For Cathy. You're a trooper!

Del Rossetto

I had a brush with this horrible horrible thing......5 lumpectomies later I was given the all clear!! The stress was immense. I cannot begin to fathom how anyone who is not as lucky as I was goes through this ordeal! To all those who have gone before thank have paid the price to help future generations. To the researchers, keep doing the amazing work you do. To the once still to face this....may your numbers be significantly less 🩷

Sarah CJ

Miss you Tess! We got this 💗

To those who bravely fought and lost their lives to breast cancer, we honor your strength, resilience, and courage. Your legacy inspires us to continue the fight for a cure and support those affected. You are forever in our hearts, remembered with love and respect.


This is dedicated to my beauties that are no longer with me the sisters that have battled and strength of my ladies currently going through this terrible disease ❤️ I think of you all everyday x keep swimming- We got this x


This is showing my support for those whom are currently battling breast cancer, and for those whom have lost their battle . Forever in our 💕 hearts


8 years after triple negative stage 3 cancer going strong my way of saying thankyou


Supporting my Mum who caught it early at the end of 2024 and my lifetime friend Mel forever missed.


Supporting the fighters, admiring the survivors, honouring the taken and never ever giving up the fight!!!


To those fighting this battle, to the survivors, and to the families who stand beside them. Your strength inspires us all. 💖


This is for all the Women and Men who have been affected by breast cancer 🎀 My thoughts are with you all 🩷


This is for my sister and everyone else that has or had breast cancer.


Looking forward to supporting every single brave person fighting & battling breast cancer. Including someone close to my heart.

Karen Suter

This is for all those women and Men who have been affected by breast cancer 🎀. Keep up the positive progress you can do it. My thoughts are with you , your family and friends ❤️


Here in honour of my Aunty Bev and for all the women and men who have to battle and endure this disease 💗


To my grandmother that I never got to meet and two of my Aunts who were affected by this disease, this is for you.💗


Looking forward to supporting the brave Men & Women who fight this battle. 58 squats a day, is nothing compared to what they endure 🩷


My heart goes out to those who endure something so hard. Keep pushing, your fight isn't over! X


For all the patients I see every day at work, you’re inspiring to me, especially now I’m on my own bc journey. Can’t wait to smash this challenge!

For Sandra Gale who sadly lost her battle after over a very long battle and many years in remission. Heaven is a a lot pinker now you are there.


Good Luck to Everyone taking part in the 2025 Squat Challenge.....let's kick the C Word out of this World! We can do this! 💪


This is for all my amazing sisters out there. Those who have been or are going through this horrible disease. We are all here for you❣️


Good luck everyone in the 58 Squat Challenge! You are all amazing xx

Go team!



You've got this!


Sending positive vibes to everyone who has been impacted by breast cancer.

Sending all our love!


All the very Best!!!