Why We Need You

58 people in Australia are diagnosed with breast cancer each and every day. The incidence of breast cancer is increasing with more Australians being diagnosed than last year.  

Your support of the 58 Squat Challenge funds world-class breast cancer research that will help us achieve our vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer.   


This is what we are up against

In the last 10 years, breast cancer diagnoses in Australia have increased by 24%, outpacing population growth. Each day 58 people in Australia are diagnosed with breast cancer. Funding world-class breast cancer research is more important than ever if we want to end deaths from breast cancer.   

Where your money goes

By completing the 58 Squat Challenge and raising funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), you are supporting groundbreaking breast cancer research to better understand how to prevent and detect breast cancer early, how to stop the progression and recurrence of breast cancer, how to effectively treat hard-to-treat and metastatic breast cancers and ultimately – save lives. The more we raise, the more research we can fund.  

Meet some of our NBCF-funded researchers who are helping us work towards our vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer. 

About the National Breast Cancer Foundation

The National Breast Cancer Foundation is Australia's leading not-for-profit organisation funding world-class breast cancer research with money raised entirely by the Australian public.   

Our vision is simple: stop deaths from breast cancer. How? By identifying, funding and championing world-class research that will help detect, prevent, treat and stop breast cancer and ultimately – save lives.  

With your support and generosity, we can achieve our vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer. 

How will you complete your #58Squats this March?

Your support funds world-class breast cancer research that will help us achieve our vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer.