Janina Kluczyk



I've Raised:


My Goal:



I've Swum:


My Goal:


My Activity Tracking


My target 9 kms

Support my challenge to swim for breast cancer!

Hi everyone!

Every single day, 9 Australians lose their lives to breast cancer...

That is why this month, I’m taking on an important challenge: swimming 9 km for Swim for Breast Cancer in an effort to make a difference and save lives. 

I’m raising funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation to support essential research. This research is crucial for understanding how breast cancer develops, spreads, and can be better treated. It’s our strongest tool for creating more effective tests, treatments, and interventions, ultimately improving outcomes for everyone affected by this disease.

I'll appreciate every donation you are able to make even if it's just a few dollars. 

Donate here

In all honesty, I'm a pretty slow swimmer - breast stroke all the way and I'm aiming to swim the whole distance in our beautiful Indian Ocean with my dog Ollie cheering me on from the sidelines, which makes the challenge a bit more special to me! 

Please wish me easterly winds and calm mornings at South Beach :)

Thank your for your kindness and generosity in supporting this cause!


My Badges

Making a splash for breast cancer

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Rising Star:
First donation

Shining Star:
Raised $250

Raised $500

Raised $1000

First activity

Halfway to
KM goal

KM goal

My Updates

Great Morning Swim at South Beach

Wednesday 20th Nov
With Ollie and Marian cheering me on from the beach.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jako Industries

Great Work Janina!


Tom & Cass

Just Keep Swimming!


Donna D'souza

Good Luck Nina -


Elaine Sharpe


Duncan Robertson

Good luck Janina!



Great work Nina!!!


Paul Sharpe


Ryan Hobbs

Great Effort , Great cause Keep up the good work Janana


Pippo Randazzo

only 9


Rowan Mccarthy

Good on you Nina, great effort and good luck :)


Janina Kluczyk


Gary Sharpe

Proud of you! Great cause! Keep crushing it!


Oolo Hawkins


Bec Lane

Just keep swimming 🐟 Go Neen!!


Mel Turkich




I am swimming 9km in memory of my loved one.