Hays Recruitment's Pink Ribbon Breakfast

Hays Flourish - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October, Hays Flourish have chosen to focus on the importance of awareness around Breast Cancer and being breast aware.

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer amongst women in Australia. Approximately 57 Australians are diagnosed each and every day. That equates to over 20,000 Australians diagnosed with breast cancer each year

1 in 7 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime and about 1 in 500 men.

Around 1000 young women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, equivalent to about 3 young women each day.

Each region will be raising awareness, funds and showing their support in their own way, so keep an eye out for local plans and initiatives in your region from your Flourish Leads.

Hays Brisbane are hosting a bake off event for Pink Ribbon Breakfast this October to raise vital awareness and funds for breast cancer research which is a great way to raise funds for this great cause. 

Together, we can stop deaths from breast cancer.  

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Breast Cancer Statistics in Australia

Tuesday 15th Oct

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer amongst women in Australia. Approximately 57 Australians are diagnosed each and every day. That equates to over 20,000 Australians diagnosed with breast cancer each year.

1 in 7 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

About 1 in 500 men are diagnosed in their lifetime.

Around 1000 young women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, equivalent to about 3 young women each day.

In 2023, over 3,200 Australian will pass away from breast cancer (including 30-40 males). Approximately one woman under the age of 40 is expected to die each week from breast cancer.

That’s 9 Australians a day dying from the disease.

In the last 10 years, breast cancer diagnosis have increased by 21%.

Since the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) started funding in 1994, the?death rates from breast cancer in Australia have reduced by over 40% thanks in large part to research in prevention, early detection and new and improved breast cancer treatments.

What can you do? Managing your breast cancer risk

Tuesday 15th Oct
  • Being breast aware. Women of all ages are encouraged to be aware of how their breasts normally look and feel. If you notice any new or unusual changes, please contact your doctor without delay.

  • Participating in breast cancer screening. Free routine mammographic screening is available in each state for women aged 50-74 through BreastScreen Australia. Women aged 40-49, or over 75, are also entitled to a free mammogram, however, they receive no reminder prompts, like women aged 50-74 do. Book online or contact BreastScreen Australia on 13 20 50.

  • Young women are more likely to have dense breast which can impact the ability of a mammogram to detect tumours. As there is currently insufficient evidence that mammography is an effective nation wide breast cancer screening strategy for young women, routine breast screening for under 40s is not offered which is why early detection is vital

  • If you have family history or you are concerned that you may have an increased risk of breast cancer, talk to your GP or local family cancer clinic,. Your doctor can help you assess your risk and refer you for additional genetic testing if required.

How To Check For Breast Cancer Signs and Symptoms

Take the time to ‘get to know’ how your breasts normally look and feel through normal regular activities (such as showering, getting dressed, using body lotion or looking in the mirror).

You don’t need to use a special technique, but ensure you look at and feel your breasts regularly. Make sure this includes all parts of your breast, your armpit and up to your collarbone.

For women of all ages, it is recommended that you be breast aware. Breast awareness is being familiar with the normal look and feel of your breasts, so that you can identify any unusual changes (such as a new lump, thickening in the breast, especially if it is only in one breast, changes to the shape or size of the breast or changes to the shape of the nipple).

What Should Your Breast Feel Like?

How your breasts look and feel may be different to another person. However, breast awareness can help you become familiar with how your own breasts normally look and feel, so that you can alert your doctor if you identify any new or persistent changes that are different for you.

What should you look for in your breasts?

Be aware of any new or unusual changes in your breasts. If you notice any signs or symptoms of breast cancer (such as a new lump, thickening in the breast, especially if it is only in one breast, changes to the shape or size of the breast or changes to the shape of the nipple), see your doctor immediately.

Sign or symptoms of breast cancer will depend on where the tumour is, the size of the tumour and how quickly it is growing in the breast. For example, some women will not have any symptoms and the breast cancer is found during a screening mammogram (a low dose x-ray of the breast).


Tuesday 15th Oct

Understanding the risk factors for breast cancer and being breast aware is vital for the early detection of breast cancer in young women in particular. Earlier detection means more treatment options, a much higher chance of survival and an increased quality of life for women at all ages.

Symptoms of breast cancer may include:

  • A lump or thickening in the breast, especially if it is only in one breast

  • Changes to the shape or size of the breast

  • Changes to the shape of the nipple, such as crusting, sores or ulcers, redness or inversion (a nipple that turns in when it used to point out).

  • Changes to the skin of the breast, such as dimpling (sometimes looking like an orange peel), a rash, scaly appearance, unusual redness or other colour changes

  • Fluid leaking or discharge from the nipple that occurs without squeezing

  • Persistent, unusual pain that doesn’t go away

  • Swelling or discomfort in the armpit


It is also important to note that the female breast will go through various normal changes over the course of a lifetime. Many of these changes are driven by hormones. They can be related to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or the normal aging process. Most of these changes are not cancerous or harmful, but it’s important that a doctor checks them to make sure.

Normal breast changes throughout life include:

·         pregnancy

·         breastfeeding

·         hormonal changes over each menstrual cycle

·         weight loss or gain

·         ageing.

It is important to remember that most breast changes are not caused by cancer, and the symptoms listed can be caused by other medical conditions. However, if you have noticed any symptoms or changes in your breasts, it is important that you see your doctor without delay so that the changes can be checked. This may include a physical examination or imaging of your breasts.

Sources: https://nbcf.org.au/about-breast-cancer/detection-and-awareness/


Thank you to my Sponsors


Cassidy Forster


Ash Hicks


Kyra Plum


Emma Hansen


Jenna Halfpenny




Georgina Liddy

We are hosting to fund world-class breast cancer research and save lives.