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My target 9 kms
Support my challenge to swim for breast cancer!
9 people in Australia die from breast cancer every single day.
This November, I am taking part in Swim For Breast Cancer for the mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and loves ones who are impacted by this devastating disease.
I am doing this to raise funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to support vital breast cancer research to help save lives.
Please make a donation to support my challenge and let’s make a splash to save lives together!
Thank you for your support.
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Making a splash for breast cancer
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Rising Star:
First donation
Shining Star:
Raised $250
Raised $500
Raised $1000
First activity
Halfway to
KM goal
KM goal
My Updates
Playing catch up
Wednesday 27th Nov I got a little bit behind so last week I had to catch up. I encountered dirty pools and a half full pool then some wild seas at the weekend. Unfortunately as a result of trying to catch up I probably did a little bit too much for my shoulder injury which I am trying to manage. Settling that down now for the final push before the end of the month ShareGetting there
Sunday 17th Nov Big swim in the pool today as the beach was closed. Lots of waves coming into the pool. Very easy in one direction and extremely tiring in the other! ShareFirst swim
Sunday 3rd Nov First swim logged today!Thank you to my Sponsors
Joy O'flanagan
Paul O'flanagan
Well done Ben
Ben O'flanagan
Brandt Clifford
If you need a swimming partner (a very slow one) shout out
Dan Hall
Good on you Ben.
David O'neill
Good work Ben, 9k is a lot!
'on ya BenO
Katie Hargreaves
Go Ben!
Keep up the good work Ben. Well done so far