Zac Holland



I've Raised:


My Goal:



I've Swum:


My Goal:


My Activity Tracking


My target 27 kms

Support my challenge to swim for breast cancer & to celbrate my Nan and all she has been through.

This November, I am taking part in Swim For Breast Cancer for the mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and loves ones who are impacted by this devastating disease.

I am doing this to raise funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to support vital breast cancer research to help save lives.

Please make a donation to support my challenge and let’s make a splash to save lives together!

Thank you for your support.

Zac Holland.

My Badges

Making a splash for breast cancer

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to my page

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to take part

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Rising Star:
First donation

Shining Star:
Raised $250

Raised $500

Raised $1000

First activity

Halfway to
KM goal

KM goal

My Updates

I am back !!

Monday 11th Nov
Wasn’t the perfect start thought was just a virus turned out to be pneumonia ??????

Decided to start back in the ocean tonight & 2km down - 25km to go?

Thank you all for the support!!

MSAC Training

Wednesday 9th Oct
Last night I was back for the first time this week in the pool, just over 2km I swam and was great to leave with the sun still out. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Andrea & Dean Nutbean


Scott & Andrea Holland

Zac, We are super proud as you decided to take up this challenge all by yourself from just seeing it advertised. Used your own money to sign up & we look forward to seeing you swim this challenge for such a cause. Nan will love seeing you in the pink cap also. Dad & Mum 💕


Zac Holland


Katrina Phemister

Well done, Zac. Best of luck on the fund-raising!


Kyan, Lacey And Poppy Campbell

Awesome job Zac. Good luck with the challenge.


Grima Family

Wishing you good luck! What an awesome challenge you’re doing to support a great cause. All the best! We’re all very proud of you.


Melanie Mcveigh

Good on you Zac!!


Elly Wilson

Good luck darling. Great effort.


Kate Thomas

Awesome stuff Zac!


Scott & Andrea Holland

Zac, We are so proud of you & we could not have you fall $15 short of your 3rd dollar goal you set yourself to raise.. Tough start to begin with being unwell though you came home hard in the pool.. 28kms reached on the 28th of November and after tomorrow night most likely a few more.. Well done & such an effort for a great cause. Dad, Mum & Bailey x




Deb Holland-johnson

Hi Zac Well done so far keep up the good work Deb & Clive



Well done Zac and good luck with the swim! From the Ridleys


Colin Mccarthy


Megan Di Clemente

What an amazing and impressive effort Zac! Great work! Di Clemente family


Jose Prats


Joy Campbell

Pa & Nan are so proud of you Zac and Thankyou so so much for all your support to us both this past year. Love you. Nan.


Leanne Corey

Well done Zac!! Love the Coreys


Barbara Cottle

Go Zac


Lavelle Family

Zac, not only a champion cricket scorer!! Fab effort. All the best from the Lavelles xx


Brianna Ashford

Great initiative Zac 👏


Jeffrey Campbell


John Savadis


Lisa Armstrong

Amazing effort Zac. Make sure your water wings don't have holes.


Jade Fegan

You're a superstar!


Laura Dorazio


Alison, Corrie + Sebi

Good on ya Zac! Your Nan is tough as! xx


Jessie Silcock

Well done Zac!


Jeffrey Campbell


Dianne Davies

I am swimming 27km for my grandmother, Joy Campbell