South Beach Swimmers

Support our challenge to swim for breast cancer!

9 people in Australia die from breast cancer every single day.

This November, we're taking part in Swim For Breast Cancer for the mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and loves ones who are impacted by this devastating disease.

We're doing this to raise funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to support vital breast cancer research to help save lives.

Please make a donation to support our challenge and let's make a splash to save lives together!

Thank you for your support.

Our Achievements

Upload team picture

25% to team goal

50% to team goal

75% to team goal

100% to team goal

Thank you to our Sponsors



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Well done Brigitte - Enjoy some beautiful swims throughout November for this incredibly important cause.


Marie King

Well done Jenny.


Gillian Henderson

Go Jenny 👏👏👏


Sandy Hubbard



Verena Merry

You go girl!


Natalie Locke

You’re a legend, Suz xx



Go Brigitte!!!


Caroline Walker


Dali Calic

We'll done Brigitte! Love, Dali




Kathleen Hobson


Doug Watson

Swim in shallow water so no biteys about!!


Robbie Watkins

You go girl!!


Ann Clark

Good on you trying to make a difference. I’m sure the swim will be like a walk in the park for you 💪🩵🍀


Malcolm West


Erin Gorter



Go go SuzyQ!




Cathy Sutherland

So funny I saw this and was going to send you the link but then thought you wouldn't be interested..! He he!! I was wrong!!


Maria Belakova


Sharon Kent

Well Done Sue! Keep on swimming!! 👊🏻😁🐟



Love you matey. Go girl ❤️



Well done Jenny


Sue Boladz





A &j Roberts

Well done for putting your hand, or arms, up for this Jenny!! Go for gold! Wishing you great success! Lots of love, A n J



Go Sue!!! Love your dedication to this cause and your fitness ❤️



Great work Jenny & Brigette!


Casey Cosh

So inspiring Sue! Such a great cause! Can’t wait to hear how it goes! ☺️


Yvonne Vonier


Yvonne Vonier


Margaret Beall

Thinking of you and mum


Stephanie Snelling

Love the commitment Sue and I’m sure you’ll smash this physical challenge for such a worthy cause 😘


Robin Romero

Onya Sue Sue!


Sarah Clancy

You are awesome Suzie


Valerie Patterson

Go for it Jenny X


Kel And Judy Smith

Good on you Jenny. Great cause!


Brigitte Rieder


Nicky Spencer

Goooo boobie Suzie 💕! What a great cause.


Justine Taylor

Well done Suz xxxx


Jane Fewson


Heather Walls



Great cause Brigitte! Thanks for doing this.


Darryl White


Jenny D’anger


Sharon Hawken


Robyn Christian

Hi Jen Happy swimming. Well done.


Siobhan Murphy


Andrew Boladz

Good luck from Sonny, Trudy and Andy


Caron Seager

Well done raising for such an amazing cause, keep up the good work 💕



Good job Sue!!


Sarah Roberts

Good luck Sue… super woman! Xx



Go you ❤️


Moya Masters


Rene Jager


Natalie Taylor

Great cause


Tim St Pierre

May your journey be stinger free!


Sally Tatham

You go for it sister xxx


Junell Jones

Good job Jenny. Hope the mornings are getting warmer.


Adam Rowney


Lynley Anderson


Alex Saunders

Nice one Suz!!


Cathy Sutherland

Ah fck it...need to get it to a round number!


T Stads

Great work Sue x


John Rich

Well done Jenny


Dale Neill

Go the Red Pontoon Rocket


Sally Robson-thomas

Just keep swimming


Jillian Colson


Naho Kazami


Paul Dever

Good luck Sue