Dunsborough Tennis Breast Cancer Fundraiser

By Sally Mulhern

I'm now a Pink Hero

Did you know that every day 58 people in Australia are diagnosed with breast cancer and 9 Australians die every day from this disease?  

I've decided to host an event and raise funds for world-class breast cancer research to help National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) towards their vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer.

Please support me and my pledge to save lives and make a difference.

Every donation, big or small, will get me closer to reaching my goal. Together, we can stop deaths from breast cancer.

My Achievements

1. My Pink Hero Pledge

2. Uploaded Profile Picture

3. Shared My Page

4. Received First Donation

5. Halfway to Fundraising Goal

6. Reached Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Supporters


Dunsborough And Districts Country Club


Jane Edwards


Julie Delroy

Thanks Sally for organizing the day


Stacey & Kim

Hi Sally , Won't be able to come, will be in Perth for a few days, sorry to miss it and hope you raise plenty!! Cheers, Stacey


Sally Mulhern


Marlene Howes

Well done Sally


Barb Marks


Deborah Bindon


Stephanie Kirchhofer


Nita Pratt


Cherie Peacock

Well done Sally and thanks for hosting a get together for such a great course.


Mandy Simonetti