Support our challenge to swim for breast cancer!
9 people in Australia die from breast cancer every single day.
This November, we're taking part in Swim For Breast Cancer for the mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and loves ones who are impacted by this devastating disease.
We're doing this to raise funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to support vital breast cancer research to help save lives.
Please make a donation to support our challenge and let's make a splash to save lives together!
Thank you for your support.
Our Achievements

Upload team picture

25% to team goal

50% to team goal

75% to team goal

100% to team goal
Thank you to our Sponsors

Water Tank Rescue

Go Heys!

Qas Complaints Dept
Keep up the good work Rhi!

Spence Underwood
Great work Rhi, enormous respect mate. Such a worthy cause!

Australian Building Solutions

David Murphy
you are an absolute champion!!!

Leanne Burton
Smash it!! Double the distance!!

Tyson Hill
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming what do we do we swim swim swim #dorey

Killing it H!

Jo Burton

Lea & Greg Affleck
Good luck Sarah. What a great cause 🥰

Laura Hewitt

Tracy Edwards
Great work Sarah!

Ange Kilgour
Great cause Heysen. Had a male friend that went through this journey.

Steve Wiseman
Go girl

Kristin Dunn

Pat & Errol Rookwood
Good luck Sarah, such a good cause x

Great work Sarah!

Suzanne Sticklen
You make us all so proud Rhi Rhi, good luck with your donations 😍

Rhi Cameron
You are doing so well H, amazinf effort! And thanks so much for all of your support!

Awesome work Rhi, you rock.

Sarah Oberhardt

Rhianne Cameron

Alexis Evans
