Nicole Campbell



I've Raised:


My Goal:



I've Swum:


My Goal:


My Activity Tracking


My target 9 kms

Support my challenge to swim for breast cancer!

9 people in Australia die from breast cancer every single day.

This November, I am taking part in Swim For Breast Cancer for the mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and loves ones who are impacted by this devastating disease.

I am doing this to raise funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to support vital breast cancer research to help save lives.

Please make a donation to support my challenge and let’s make a splash to save lives together!

Thank you for your support.

My Badges

Making a splash for breast cancer

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to my page

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to take part

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Rising Star:
First donation

Shining Star:
Raised $250

Raised $500

Raised $1000

First activity

Halfway to
KM goal

KM goal

My Updates

Mandurah Mannas Masters Swim Club

Thursday 7th Nov
I’ve thrown on the speedos, swimming cap and goggles (oh and ear plugs…. and invested in some swimmers ear….never had this problem previously??) and signed up on a 16 month membership with the Mandurah Mannas Masters Swim Club! As a bit of extra motivation I decided to commit to 9km for breast cancer and can say I’m well on my way clocking up around 2km+ on each Tuesday and Thursday so plan to surpass the 9km goal! (2.8km Tuesday that nearly killed me….) I introduced myself to fellow Mannas as Nicole, I haven’t swum since BCC (before considering children….) I’m pleased to say they’ve already kicked me out of the slow lane and I’m slowly gaining momentum, currently only swimming 300-400m less than the fast lane as I desperately catch my breath! Hopefully by the end of November I’ll be able to keep up! Thanks for supporting this ol gal trying to get fit!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Team Waldron

F*ck cancer!


Nicole Campbell



“Swimming in memory of yourself…!” Ummm, we are well over due for a “proper” chat!!! 🤔🙃 But 19km…. 👊🏽💥


Chris Herrmann

Well done. Go Nicole.



You’re fabulous mumma



Go for it Nicole. You can do it.

I am swimming 9km in memory of my myself.