Nevada Thompson



I've Raised:


My Goal:



I've Swum:


My Goal:


My Activity Tracking


My target 9 kms

Nevada's Swim for Breast Cancer

9 people in Australia die from breast cancer every single day.

This November, I am taking part in Swim For Breast Cancer for the mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and loves ones who are impacted by this devastating disease.

I am doing this to raise funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to support vital breast cancer research to help save lives.

Please make a donation to support my challenge and let’s make a splash to save lives together!

Thank you for your support.

My Badges

Making a splash for breast cancer

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to my page

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to take part

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Tribute Wall

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Rising Star:
First donation

Shining Star:
Raised $250

Raised $500

Raised $1000

First activity

Halfway to
KM goal

KM goal

My Updates

Day 30!!!!!

Saturday 30th Nov
Managed to get another 575m done and dusted before the predicted weather arrives, bringing Nevada's total distance to a bit over 10.5kms! Soooo super proud of this kid! And she is so proud of herself!

Day 28 & 29

Friday 29th Nov
Added 250m yesterday afternoon and another 715 tonight, which brings my total swim distance to to nearly 10km!
Unfortunately it looks like the weather isn't going to allow a trip to the pool tomorrow, but that's ok! We need the rain to make the grass grow and fill our tanks!


Monday 25th Nov
She's done it!!!!! The official cheer squad turned up to surprise her making it a bit special and extra exciting. So proud of my girl!

Day 22

Friday 22nd Nov
The usual in car salad after swimming before hitting the road home. 646m ticked off tonight. Having the weekend off for a rest.

Day 21

Thursday 21st Nov
Another 525m bites the dust! Get excited people she's nearly there!!!

Day 20

Wednesday 20th Nov
Another 525m ticked off! We're getting close now!!!

Day 18

Monday 18th Nov
Bit chilly in and out of the water today, but got another 550m done and dusted!

Day 16 & 17

Sunday 17th Nov
Weekend off, went to a sleepover birthday party yesterday, and now mother nature is throwing a tantrum haha. Much needed rain with just a touch of thunderstorm thrown in for good measure!

Day 15

Friday 15th Nov
A quick in car salad for tea then hit the road home from swimming lessons. 844m today Also WE'VE RAISED OVER $1000!!!!!!!!!

Day 14

Thursday 14th Nov
475m today, definitely tired but still trying hard! The after swim icypole is a great motivator though hahaha

Day 13

Wednesday 13th Nov
Icypole going down a treat after todays effort 500m this the torture of the dreaded swimming in clothes session at school survival swimming lesson this morning. She's definitely gonna sleep well tonight!!

Day 12

Tuesday 12th Nov
175m and a lot of treading water at school swimming today

Fundraising Target

Monday 11th Nov
Because I have already reached my fundraising target I have decided to lift the amount from $750 to $1000 to try to get my All Star Badge!
I only need $189 to get there!! 
Can we do it?!

Day 11

Monday 11th Nov
After a lovely weekend catching up with friends it was back to the pool today. Ticked off 675m between school lessons and a few laps this arvo

Back in action

Friday 8th Nov
Today I clocked up an impressive 1.327km between school swimming and lessons! Going to sleep well tonight, lets hope the injured chicken wing (arm) pulls up alright tomorrow.

Goggles and tote!

Thursday 7th Nov
Limited edition Vorgee goggles (for being one of the first 250 people to raise $250) and a tote bag (for raising $500) arrived today. Super exciting as I thought I'd missed out on the goggles! Only $13 to go to reach my goal of raising $750! Although of course donations above that number are welcomed with open arms!

Day 5

Tuesday 5th Nov
125m at school swimming this morning, then a bit of a whoops this arvo. Will be back at it as soon as the elbow ouch has scabbed over well enough!

Day 4

Monday 4th Nov
550m today!

Day 3

Sunday 3rd Nov
625m today

Day 2

Saturday 2nd Nov
525m completed today

Day 1

Friday 1st Nov
630m at swimming lessons this afternoon

Thank you to my Sponsors


Auntie Cindy

Go Nevada xx


Heath Heath


Mulberry Lane Pantry

GO NEVADA!!! Good luck 👍


Jess Oliver



Great work keep it up your smashing it


Hayley Wiggins


Nevada Thompson


Vanessa Lodged


Holly Saunders

Hi Nevada, you are amazing, but crazy! Well done! From Holly




Lekshme And Vaiga


Lyn Partridge

Well done for participating for such a good cause⭐


Mrs Jenny Bicanic

Hi Nevada You are very brave. Best of luck 🍀 Mrs B




Raspberry Queen


Ange Knight

Good luck beautiful girl


Donna Wells



Great swimming


Robert & Robyn Knight

You are doing a great thing, Nevada ❤️


Katrina Harwood


Merrilyn Lette

Well done Nevada!


Patience Hailey


Michelle Jesson

Well done Nevada!! From the not so bald eagle 🤣



Great work!


Emmie Maloney And Mason Maloney

Hi Nevada, so proud of you!!! You’ve come so far in your swimming lessons! Keep up the amazing work! From Emmie from swim school and my husband, Mason!


Saoirse Dineen

Keep up the great work Nevada love Saoirse


Sam Hall


Leonie Rowlings


Mel & Jake

Well done on your achievement so far 👏 ❤️


Auntie Sheryn



Val C


Mandy Lovegrove

Well done Nevada 🌟


Terri Thorne


Kane S

Best of luck Nevada and well done on supporting such a great cause. You'll smash 9km 😉👏🎉



Go Nevada! From Remi and Ellie x


Jenna Lethborg

Well done! 👏


Jane Stone

you are awesome


Lyn Commane


Kathy Smith


Mary Brown


Nanny Hall


Greg Viney


Nanny Roo




Jo Anne Betts

I am swimming 9km to support breast cancer research and save lives.