Support our challenge to swim for breast cancer!
9 people in Australia die from breast cancer every single day.
This November, we're taking part in Swim For Breast Cancer for the mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and loves ones who are impacted by this devastating disease.
We're doing this to raise funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to support vital breast cancer research to help save lives.
Please make a donation to support our challenge and let's make a splash to save lives together!
Thank you for your support.
Our Achievements

Upload team picture

25% to team goal

50% to team goal

75% to team goal

100% to team goal
Thank you to our Sponsors


Marg, Den, Will Tarran
Great work Lu. X

Sheralee And Mark Langbridge
What a worthy cause Sarah! Well done.

Go Lu!


Good work team IEMA!


Jess Coffey
Great work team!

Will Mitry
Great initiative team

Anne Vardanega
All the best Lulu!

Nathan Archer

Chris Cooper
enjoy the challenge.. goes without saying I'd be more than happy to jump in and do it too here in the river if it werent for those bull sharks..


Chellan Robinson
Horse draw win donation plus a little more :)

Iema(5) Rhys
Erin Nick David April Rhys

Sarah Dale

Kristen Mcmahon

Erin Littlewood

Erin Littlewood

Erin Littlewood

James Okane
