Fusion Fins

Support our challenge to swim for breast cancer!

9 people in Australia die from breast cancer every single day.

This November, we're taking part in Swim For Breast Cancer for the mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and loves ones who are impacted by this devastating disease.

We're doing this to raise funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to support vital breast cancer research to help save lives.

Please make a donation to support our challenge and let's make a splash to save lives together!

Thank you for your support.

Our Achievements

Upload team picture

25% to team goal

50% to team goal

75% to team goal

100% to team goal

Thank you to our Sponsors


Neale O’brien

Proud of you sweetheart



Well done Sandy for such a great cause.


Brown And Hurley - Darra

Great cause, well done, 2 Km's to go.....



Keep going Shaz , we have to do all we can to help fight this hideous disease.




R&k Bulk Haulge


Christina Phipps




Schulte's Pty Ltd

Amazing work for incredible ladies. Xx



Yewwww, good luck


Jim Mcinerney


Amanda Issell

Go girls. Love the dedication and supporting a good cause


Adrian Nolan

Mum and dad


Adrian Nolan

Mum and dad



Fantastic effort team, well done!


Kylie W

Proud of you πŸ’•


Elaine Kluck

Go you good thing πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ❀️


Elaine Kluck

Go you good thing πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ❀️


Christine Woolmer

Happy to donate to a good cause. Keep up the good work Sandie.


Niree Mcneil


Niree Mcneil


Anna Mcwhinney


Marie Hauser

So proud my little swimmer!


Marie Hauser

So proud my swimmer champ!


Pete Forrester


Marie Hauser

So proud my swimmer mate x


Marie Hauser

Go my girl!!


Vicki Hamilton


Elaine Kluck

Good on you Quadey πŸ‘


Clifford Brown

Rip in ya weapon πŸ’ͺ🏻


Rob Aubin

Go for it Sharon!




Jeda Jones

Go Lib!!!


Anna Mcwhinney


Anna Mcwhinney


Anna Mcwhinney


Matt Innes

Still 2Km's to swimπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Daph Nolan

Great to see you back in the water for a great cause.


Doug And Colleen Phipps


Doug & Kenny Kowaltzke


Daph Nolan

Great to see you back in the water for a good cause.


Mr Willmott

Get it Done!



i’m so proud of you xx


Angela Jackwitz


Jake Roberts





Great cause Sandie πŸ‘


Sharon Gleeson

Bloody good job 😘


Melissa Small

Way to go Sandie x


Kylie English


Kylie English

Go you awesome machine


Kylie English

Awesome effort


Kylie English

So proud of you


Leanne White


Isabella Whiting


Sean Purvis

Well done




David & Julie Mcneil

Good job - what a great cause πŸ™ŒπŸ»


David & Julie Mcneil

Good job - what a great cause πŸ™ŒπŸ»


Judy Jackson

Well done to you all.


Margaret Mcneil

Hi Kate Sorry for my late reply. This is a wonderful thing you’re doing. All those times you got up early to train and now you’re supporting a good cause.! I hope life is running smoothly and fingers crossed we’ll catch up soon. Xx Margaret-Mary


Margaret Mcneil

Hi Sarah This is a great idea, supporting breast cancer research and remembering your dear great grandma. ( I didn’t know one of your Mum’s family had breast cancer.) How’s life as a student? You’ll be busy now with exams. All the best. Hope to catch up soon. Xx Margaret-Mary


Melissa Sewell

Kate what a super star you are. So proud of you and what a worthwhile cause to be raising money for 😊


Elaine Kluck

Go you good thing


Michelle Kajewski

All the best in achieving your goal, this is a great cause to support.






Kate Mcneil


Kimberley Bichel


Caitlin Nolan


Mr Willmott

Go hard young padawan.


Nana Di

Good on you Ashlea


Nana Di

Go for it Caitlin …..


Mr Willmott

Smash it young man.


Gab And Ash

Go Libby!


Stephanie Mcneil


Judy Jackson

Go Arley!


Judy Jackson

Go Ellis!


Bree & Hayden


Bree & Hayden


Cathy Harrison

Great Gran would be very proud of you. Xx


Cathy Harrison

Great Gran would be very proud of you. Xx


Louise Mcneil


Louise Mcneil


Alyssa Roberts


Rebecca Humphreys


Gary Ghilardi


Renee Wilson

Proud of you!


Brooke Wright

Such an amazing effort you have all put in. Well doneπŸ’“


Tina Hannan

Well done Shaz! This is awesome!


Nev And Arlene Seng

Thats a great tribute to Grandma Sarah.Well done


Jasin N Melzy

Love u Lib. Super proud as always


Narelle Reimann

I know u will do it so it is a great fundraiser and I’m proud of YOU. Sarah McNeil


Shannon Gilchrist

Great job!!!


Melissa Sharp

Your a champ Sandy x


Sharon Kluck


La πŸ’₯

Always in your corner πŸ’ͺ🏽


Tina Hannan

Thank you for supporting breast cancer research. Love your work!


M Kleidon



Lou Bruce

Thank you, Ellis.


Savannah Welbourn

Smashing it!


Stacey Kluck


Sue Marsh


Phillip Harm

Awesome job Ellis!! Keep up the great work


Jo Robbins

Well done Arley!


Jason Redgwell


Matie Hauser

Go girl!


Marie Hauser

Go girl!


Sharyn Martin

Good luck, great job


Sharyn Martin

Great job


Sharyn Martin

Get swimming


Sharyn Martin

Happy swimming


Ian And Karen O’brien

Congratulations on a great fundraising challenge.


Ian And Karen O’brien

Congratulations on a fantastic challenge for a great cause.



Go aunty Sar


Sarah Mcneil



Go aunty Kate




Lorraine Mieklejohn


Karly Mitchell


Mitchell C


Stacey Diete


Mum & Buhse

You did it Libs!! Proud of you as always xxx


Sue Taylor

Go team Fusion Finns !!!


Melissa Sticklen

You are amazing 🀩


Jo Baulch




Colin & Aileen Seng


Marj Cardwell



Don’t drown πŸ‘


Colin & Aileen Seng


Shyla Hindom


Debbie Burchmann


Emma Goos

Well done Sandie! You’ve got this!


Cassie And Andrew


Tahlia Sudhaus



Good job Sandie.❀️


Ian Thompson

Go the Fusion Fins! :-)


Rebekah Smith

Go Arley! You've got this πŸŠπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ




Piper Mcdonald

never change lib, you are too good for this world i love u πŸ’—πŸ’—


Megan Barrett

Go super fish!


Megan Barrett

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!




Natasha Brown