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Team Total

squats 7,917

Team Target
squats 15,903

Our 57 Squat Challenge for breast cancer research

57 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer today and a further 9 will lose their life. We want to make a difference to the lives of those 57 Australians impacted by the disease - that is why we are taking on the 57 Squat Challenge to raise vital funds for world-class breast cancer research. But we need your help.

Please support our squat challenge to save lives and make a difference.

Every donation, big or small, will get us closer to reaching our goal and helping the National Breast Cancer Foundation end deaths from breast cancer.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Vanessa Poljak


Zeob Group


Tina Marinovic

Hey friend - great cause! Cant wait to see those quads! 🥇


Nathan Kobeleff

Go Team.


Troy Brewster

Great stuff Katie!!!


Emma Bonfield


Ben Little

Go Katie!!!


Karina Andrijic

Happy squatting team 👊


Jess Kavanagh


Becca Mckay

Go Ash & Katie!! You got this


Maria Xiberras


Yasmina Zabica


Danielle Lovric


Carrie M.

Go Ana!


Vanessa Perich


Alyce Tulich


Stewart Webb

Good work Katie!


Ana Vlatko


Kelly Davidson

Well done Ash!!


Lucy Bardakjian

Go Team 🎀


Deeann Hammill

Very grateful, breast cncer is on both sides of my family tree. Well Done.


Steve Skelcher


Abby Wark

Nice work girls!! 👏🏻


Danny The American

No idea why you’ve been on crutches for, but that doesn’t sound much of an effort. Step it up!


Dragica Curkovic

You can do it!


Lisa Bacic

Well done girls! Best of luck with the challenge xx



Good luck Ashley


Marinka Vlatko

Well done girls!



You’re the best x


Matched Donation


Elena Tassis




Shantelle Moody-rowe


Samantha Church

Go Katie!!!




Aleisha Rado

Good work Ana & a great cause!!



Go girls


Robert Thor Craig

Great cause


Hamish Prosser


Katie Tulich


Facebook Donation



Nice work