
Team Total

squats 1,539

Team Target
squats 19,437

Our 57 Squat Challenge for breast cancer research

57 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer today and a further 9 will lose their life. We want to make a difference to the lives of those 57 Australians impacted by the disease - that is why we are taking on the 57 Squat Challenge to raise vital funds for world-class breast cancer research. But we need your help.

Please support our squat challenge to save lives and make a difference.

Every donation, big or small, will get us closer to reaching our goal and helping the National Breast Cancer Foundation end deaths from breast cancer.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Fleur Vannoorden

In the memory of my sister Kaz who lasted 17 years with cancer. She lost her fight last week. Rest in peace Kaz


Leonie Schweitzer

Good luck with the butt!!


Pat Gheller






Helen Llewellyn

Good Luck 🤞


Brooke Rieche


Moo Moo Ka Choo Choo

You go Glen Coco


Moo Moo Ka Choo Choo

Get that booty peachy


Adriana Damore


Facebook Donation


Scarlett Dunell


Lucy Bean



Good luck Mags!


Mia Tiernan


Chloe Hook

Great cause & may you obtain the bum of your dreams in the process Xx


Sue L

Good luck ❤️❤️❤️



Praying for you



I have my first two weeks of bullying reminder messages locked and loaded

