Polly's Power Squat Squad

Team Total

squats 13,218

Team Target
squats 45,508

Our 57 Squat Challenge with NBCF to support Polly!

57 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer today and a further 9 will lose their life. We want to make a difference to the lives of those 57 Australians impacted by the disease - that is why we are taking on the 57 Squat Challenge to raise vital funds for world-class breast cancer research. 

Please support our squat challenge to save lives and make a difference.

Every donation, big or small, will get us closer to reaching our goal and helping the National Breast Cancer Foundation end deaths from breast cancer.

Let’s show Polly our support with some power squats this March!

Our beautiful and valued colleague Polly has shown incredible strength, determination and profound positivity since her breast cancer diagnosis. With permission to share, here is Polly’s story:

“Not in a million years did I ever think I would be writing a post like you are about to read, however I truly believe the universe only gives you what it knows you can handle. So while this journey is my hardest, I know I have the strength to fight this battle.
On September 6th I received a phone call “Please bring a support person to your emergency appointment!” I knew then something was wrong but nothing can ever prepare you to hear what I heard that day. Sitting in the Drs room with a support person either side of me and being told at 33 “You have Breast Cancer!” is not something you can ever be prepared for…
Since that day there has been lots of appointments, lots of questions asked, lots of emotions, lots of researching, lots of sleepless nights and a few tears have been shed.

There is still some uncertainty around the severity of my breast cancer so on October 6th, exactly one month from my cancer diagnosis, I head into surgery for a Double Mastectomy. Surgery will be intense, invasive & I will have a long hard recovery.
Two weeks after surgery my specialist Oncology team will have a treatment plan for me to action.
Since then it’s been a roller coaster of emotions, operations and appointments. It’s scary, it’s overwhelming but we are a resilient little family and we are strong!

I will get through this next chapter because of the love & positivity I am surrounded by.”

 Here is a note from Polly:

“I want to personally take this opportunity to ask every single person to check their boobs!

Know your bodies!

Continue to check yourself!

Early detection is the key to survival!

If there is anything I want to come out of my journey is to educate – men and women, friends & family, strangers, children and everyone in between.

My tears may continue to fall but my strength will continue to rise!”

 This March lets come to together and do 57 squats a day, representing the number of Australians diagnosed each day.

Please register your name as part of the Life Ed Queensland Polly’s Power Squat Squad to raise awareness.


Thank you to our Sponsors


Margie Mccomb

Well done Fia!



Polly, 57 squats will really do me in.... so I commit to starting at 5 and seeing if by the end of March I can do 57 and maybe more... You go girl and give your cancer a jolly good shove!


Michael Fawsity


David Lovering


Ben Mccomb

Squat a great thing to do Trine! xx


Niccola Harwood


Tracey Challenor


Sue Osmond



Good luck Trine ! What a great effort





Nice work Trine! x


Julian Kristensen

Squat Klucky squat for a good cause


Sarah Clarke

An amazing thing to do Katrina. Breast Cancer affects so many people right across the world. Good luck from the UK




Katrina Leach

Go Katrina!


The Rose’s

Great work Kat!


Kate Burgess


Katrina Luck


Rachel Stevens


Brooke Castles


Mariana Roehe Conceicao


Lisa Wallace


Rhiannon Reid



