Support our challenge to swim for breast cancer!
9 people in Australia die from breast cancer every single day.
This November, we're taking part in Swim For Breast Cancer for the mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and loves ones who are impacted by this devastating disease.
We're doing this to raise funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to support vital breast cancer research to help save lives.
Please make a donation to support our challenge and let's make a splash to save lives together!
Thank you for your support.
Our Achievements

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25% to team goal

50% to team goal

75% to team goal

100% to team goal
Thank you to our Sponsors


Ian Darling
Go Pam! A wonderful cause!

Lee Schimann
Great cause, Howard - where do you do the swim? Cheers and good luck.

Deb Waltho
Well done from Julie, Kath and I

Stev Gavriloska
We need more people like you Katrina, to raise funds so that we can ALL leave cancer in the rear view mirror.


Richard Podmore
Great to see you’re keeping your head above water, Mr Sacre! Go you!

Pamela May, you mad thing! Glad you are not doing it all at once. More power to your arms. XX Marion

Sue C
Good on you Howard!


Matt Barnett
Lapping it up! Go Howard

Ben Anderson
Go Howard

Liz Cuninghame
Swim well Howard!!

Cathryn Ferguson

Linda Vella
Good on you Katrina!

Glenn B

Geoff & Stephen
Good luck Pam

Tanya & Matt
We think you are amazing!

Lynne Dooley
Glad you have those great flippers to get you through. Enjoy

Congratulations on your amazing effort!

Nellie Hall
Onya Pam

Robert Calkhoven
Well done Katrina and for a good cause..

Margaret Heron
Hope you reach the goal.

Cheryl Patterson

Sue And David Prescott
Go, girl!

Caroline Minogue
Great effort, Katrina!

Mairi Langton
Thank you for raising awareness for such a vital & personal cause. ♥️

Bob & Erika
Good on you Howard!

Dorothy Willis
Good swimming!

Sue And Richard
Go Katrina! Well done you!

Sue And Richard
Well done, Pam. Go you!

Tanya And Matt
Go Pam! Always an inspiration

Ross Foley

You go Girl!!!

Kate Hodges

Sallky Fryer
Go Pam. looking forward to swimming alongside you in KV pool.

Carola Dillon
Thank you, Katrina! xx

Cheering you on Katrina Good on you

Woo hoo go you!!

Love your work!

Jen Julie Tessa
Such an overachiever Pammie!

Kathy Harrington
Swim faster, longer harder.

Gail Trapp
What a woman!

Andy Cavanagh-downs
Go Howard!

Bandy Jude
Good on you!!!

Judith Flanagan

Maralyn & Brent
From Brent as well

Tom Sacre
Onya Dad!

You are amazing!!! What a feat.

Helen Nickell
Thank you Katrina

Helen Suzanne Nickell
Thank you Pam

K Watson
Enjoy the swim!

Jillian Mather
Go for it Howard!

Judith Flanagan

Fiona Farrell

Sarah B
