Five Crowns

Team Total

squats 7,923

Team Target
squats 8,835

Our 57 Squat Challenge for breast cancer research

Breast Cancer has impacted many families including my beautiful sister, Tanya. This cause is close to our hearts. 

Tanya, her daughter Telissa, her besties Rachel and Amanda and myself are ready to take this challenge and raise money for the Breast Cancer Foundation. 

57 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer today and a further 9 will lose their life. We want to make a difference to the lives of those 57 Australians impacted by the disease - that is why we are taking on the 57 Squat Challenge to raise vital funds for world-class breast cancer research. But we need your help.

Please support our squat challenge to save lives and make a difference.

Every donation, big or small, will get us closer to reaching our goal and helping the National Breast Cancer Foundation end deaths from breast cancer.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Kye Higgins


Leanne Rolender

Good on you Rach, xxxx


Roz And Mark

Well done Rach !


Sharon Blake

Thank you Amanda for your contribution to Breast cancer and the awareness you bring with your efforts ….. you are amazing xxxx


Sue &scott

Go Tanya! Well done on doing this challenge. Xx


Natalie Silano

Great cause Rachel, my Nan 96 years struggling now with breast cancer 😢


Maya Cohen


Alison O'sullivan

Good luck Belinda, such a worthwhile cause. You will do great and all my best to your sister and family.


Rosemary Pittard


Tanya Higgins

Lets go Team Five Crowns 👑


Tanya Higgins


Cindy “big Fan” Collins

Let’s see those thighs after girl! 💪


Bernie Sostak

You go Girls and for a Super Cause .Let's see the path and avenue to destroy the C .🩷💪🏋


Marlene Blewett

Well done Rachel



Thank you Rachel for raising money for something that has touched so many of us xx



You’ve got this!! Well done on an amazing cause ❤️ xx


Rachel Menner


Kye Higgins


Olivia Georgius

🥰 go girl get those squats in ☺️


Olivia Georgius

🧡🧡 go you gorgeous ladies





Sherrie Anderson

Goodluck with your challenge girls that's alot of squats 💪


Amber Moran

Go girls xx


Anthony Michaelas


Linto Family

Goodluck Rachel


Michelle Farrall

Thank you my friend


Noelene Barrett



Well done Rach! 👏 I


Samantha Higgins





Great cause! 💖


Matched Donation



Well done!


Matched Donation


Jill Parry



I'm so proud of you Amanda, inspiring and helping others 🩷


Belinda Blythe


Alison Wescombe

Well done Rach


Mandy Bulner


Gael Housd

Well done ladies xx My husband had breast cancer last year so it’s important to remind the men your life to go to the doctor straight away if they feel a lump in the breat


Helen Pinson

Great cause …go team …you have got this xx


Amanda Horan


Jayden Higgins


Jayden Higgins


Rae White


Paul Leopardi




Paul Leopardi




Amanda Horan


Sue Curti

Great cause, I hope your sisters are doing ok and you reach your target 🩷


Donna Stevens


Kate Hawley


Rachel Menner


Ellie Oates


Hayley W

Good Luck Rach I believe in you ❤️