Frequently Asked Questions

Here you'll find answers to some of our frequently asked questions about becoming a SHAVE Pink Hero. You might choose to shave, cut or colour your hair. Sign up here.

Do I have to shave my head?

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No, you can choose to cut or colour your hair. 

How short should I shave my hair? (Number 1, 2, 3 etc)

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That’s up to you! It’s always best to start longer on the first pass and then go shorter to tidy it up. We aren’t hair experts though so have a chat with your local barber or hairdresser for clippering advice. While you’re there, why not ask them to sponsor you too?

Do I have to get my hair coloured/dyed at the hair dresser?/Can I dye my hair myself?

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That’s totally up to you! Lots of people go to the salon and lots do it at home—it depends on your budget, your level of experience with haircare and the result you’re trying to achieve. There are no rules for how you colour it, you just have to work out what’s right for you! Unfortunately, I can’t advise you on this as I’m not an expert. I would recommend you ask for advice at your preferred beauty supply store, or have a chat with your hairdresser. 

Can I donate my hair? 

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It’s up to you! It also depends on your hair. NBCF doesn’t accept hair donation as we’re a research funding body, but there are a number of other organisations you can choose from. Be sure you check their requirements for hair length and condition. NBCF if not affiliated with any of the below organisations, so please contact them directly if you have any questions:
Real Fridge Hairbands 
Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation 
Sustainable Salons

How do I register to raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation?

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A fundraising event can be big, small, simple or glamorous. It can be for 10 friends or 100 colleagues. Host it at home, work, school – anywhere. The choice is yours. Fundraising includes everything from morning teas to shaving your head. Every dollar makes a difference.

You can register online for the following events and campaigns:

You will receive an email once your application form has been successfully submitted. Allow 48 hours for a confirmation receipt to be issued. Approval can take between 5-7 working days.
If you prefer not to set up an online fundraising page, contact the friendly team by email at or call 1300 803 551 and we’ll register you on our system.

Can I use Facebooks 'Fundraisers' option to promote my event?

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While this is an option, we do not encourage using this platform. The best way to encourage friends and family to donate to your fundraiser is through the sharable link we send you. NBCF does not have communication with Facebook at this stage. While the money does come to NBCF, we are not advised of when. Therefore we will be unable to attribute any funds raised on Facebook, to your overall total on your Pink Hero Fundraising page.

What if the date of my event changes?

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Please contact the friendly Supporter Relations team by email at or call 1300 708 763 to advise them of the change of date. This is important, as you will need to be issued a new Authority to Fundraise with a new date.

Will NBCF help me promote my event?

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If you use social media, the best way to publicise your event is through the NBCF Facebook Page and Twitter account.
You can upload and share your event photos directly onto our Facebook Page.

Can we approach any of NBCF's corporate partners for additional support?

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As these companies are already very generous supporters of the Foundation and are approached frequently throughout the year, we ask that you do not approach these companies for financial sponsorship or in relation to prize donations. These companies are listed on the NBCF website.

Can I book one of your ambassadors at my event, and how do I do that?

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While we are grateful for your support, it is not possible for NBCF to secure celebrities for your event. We may be able to offer one of our speakers, however.

Can I hold a contest/lottery/auction at the event I'm hosting?

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Yes, you can. Lotteries and games of chance may be used to raise money for NBCF.
If you need more information on regulations for your state, download the contact information for each state here.
According to the Best Practice Guidelines of the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing NSW event costs should also not exceed 40% of total income.

Does NBCF provide public liability insurance?

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NBCF is unable to provide public liability insurance cover to community fundraising events and/or coordinators. It is the responsibility of the event coordinator to arrange this in conjunction with the venue.

Can people who donate get a tax deductible receipt?

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You can only provide a tax deductible receipt to someone who makes a donation without receiving a material benefit. You cannot provide a tax deductible receipt for donations made to a raffle, auction or to someone who provides goods, a service or general cash for sponsorship. If someone provides a large cash sponsorship donation, you can provide them with a letter to acknowledge their contribution. You can also inform NBCF with their details at the end of your event and we can provide them with a thank you letter for their sponsorship donation once the money has been received by NBCF. Online donations will be automatically receipted to the email address provided when the donation is made.

Do you have any tips to help with my fundraiser?

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Yes, please visit our fundraising tips and tools page.

How long will people be able to donate to my page after my event?

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Your event fundraising page will be active for four weeks following the date of your event. If you believe you may receive donations exceeding this time period, you can bank your funds via:

  • CHEQUE – All cheques should be made payable to the ‘National Breast Cancer Foundation’. Please write your supporter ID on the back of the cheque and a note to let us know how you raised your money so we can acknowledge your support.

  • For POSTBillpay and BPAY Code please call our Supporter Services team on 1300 803 551. If you received a return form, you will have received your own POSTbillpay and BPAY number so you can make a payment directly from your account to the National Breast Cancer Foundation account.

Please do not send cash directly to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Alternatively, you can contact the friendly team by email at or call 1300 708 763 regarding keeping your page active.

Where do I find my return form?

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Your return form was emailed or mailed to you with your ‘Authority to Fundraise’ after you registered to host your event. If you cannot find your return form, please contact the Community Fundraising team on 1300 803 551.


Contact us via 1300 803 551 or