Sharon's NBCF Fundraiser

By Sharon/linda Inglis/Mackenzie

I'm now a Zero Hero

Hey everyone,

You may already know that I'm battling breast cancer, a journey shared by some of my closest family members and numerous women before me. It's a fight that hits close to home.

That's why I'm reaching out to you today. I'm not just raising funds; I'm rallying for a world where no one has to lose their life to breast cancer. Each loss is one too many, and it's time to change that narrative.

So, I'm hosting an event because I believe in a future where breast cancer is not a threat. But I can't do it alone. Research is our most powerful weapon against this disease, and every dollar we raise brings us closer to that goal.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is at the forefront of this battle, funding ground-breaking research fuelled entirely by the generosity of Australians like you. Together, we're making strides towards a future where breast cancer is no longer a life-threatening diagnosis.

I firmly believe that investing in research isn't just about preventing deaths; it's about revolutionising how we understand, detect, and treat breast cancer. NBCF shares that belief, working tirelessly towards a singular mission: zero deaths from breast cancer.

Your contribution matters more than you know. Whether it's a large sum or a humble donation, every bit counts towards making a difference. So, please, consider clicking 'Donate' and joining me in this fight.

Remember, donations over $2 are tax deductible, and you'll receive a receipt via email as soon as you contribute.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for standing by me on this journey. Your support means everything.

With gratitude,

xx Sharon

Thank you to my Supporters


Liana Stanyer

Much love to you all 💕


Mathew Alecia Mackenzie

Thinking about you love you.


Imo & Stew


Lissa Reynolds

Sending lots of love xx


Cassie Mcleod

Wishing you alll the best and that each day brings a little more strength and healing your way. 🥰


Guinther & Linda Borgelt/mackenzie

In solidarity and support, you are not alone.


Nicole And Chris Mackenzie


Lita Tirkkonen

Stay strong 💗


Rebecca Jepson

You are so strong and courageous xx


Joanna Nelson

Best wishes Sharon. Thinking of you x


Brooke & Taj S

We are here every step of the way. We love you endlessly x


Maryanne Stuchbery


Clancy Inglis


The Code Family


Lisa Turner


Kylie Lucas