
By Sera Tolland

I'm getting active and setting myself a challenge to raise money for NBCF and world-class breast cancer research. As most of our friends and family know, my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2020. 

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is Australia’s leading national body funding game-changing breast cancer research with money raised entirely by the Australian public.

I believe research is the best way to prevent deaths, and improve how breast cancer is diagnosed, managed and treated. If I can do one thing to help, I’m going to do my best to help others in a similar position.

Click 'Donate' to make a secure online donation and help me reach my goal. Every donation, big or small, will help me get there. If you are unable to donate please share with your family and friends as word of mouth about breast cancer is just as important. 

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a tax-deductible receipt via email as soon as you make your donation.

Thank you so much for your support!

My Achievements

1. My Pink Hero Pledge

2. Uploaded Profile Picture

3. Shared My Page

4. Received First Donation

5. Halfway to Fundraising Goal

6. Reached Fundraising Goal

7. Logged First Activity

My Updates


Monday 9th Nov
Hi everyone! I am aiming to run 50kms over the 6 week challenge I’ve set myself for the rest of November and December. I am an inexperienced runner and I hope to hit my goal (or more) kms in running in my local area to raise money for people in a similar position as my family. The NBCF has helped our family tremendously with the diagnosis of my mum in September 2020. If you are unable to donate please share this with your family and friends! It’s my goal to contribute back to help others in a similar position and hopefully assist with no deaths from breast cancer by 2030!

Thank you to my Supporters


Chec Cafe And Mid North Coast Tafe

On behalf of the Chec Cafe donations and TAFE Mid North Coast for the “pink it up”fundraiser on Wednesday the 2/12/20.


Amanda Rosengreen

So proud of what you are doing.


Deidre Mckenzie

Love what you are doing.


Kathryn Kerr

You go girl !


Leanne And Paul

You've got this beautiful warrior women!! Sending you both big love and energy to make this happen!! Xxx




James & Chantelle Thompson

Thinking of you and your family


Tamily Harling


Matt Tolland

I love and support you, you’re doing an amazing thing, so so proud


Hannah Ryan

sending so much love to you all ?





Love you and so proud of you!


Cassandra Churchland


Lauri Ryan

Proud of you! Xx


Jasmine Wallis

Sending you love x




Tara Sweet


Abbey Agostinelli



Maddy Beverley



Kyna Cameron

Love you Sez! You're killing it ❤


Kyna Cameron

I love you ❤


Claire Jones

You’re amazing Sera ?


Emily & Skyy


Naomi Higgins

I understand what you must be feeling as your mum's daughter. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. Big hugs to you, sending well wishes to your mum ❤


Seong Kerr


Crystal Bright

Thinking of you ❤️


Sandra & Ricky



Get it gurl


Cheri Joy

All the best for your mum and yourself!


Jackie Kerr

Sending my love xx


Amelia Elliott