JY Chinese 3/4 Oral Practice

By Ruyi & Carley

Hi there!

This is Carley and Ruyi! We're setting up an initiative that will take place early to mid September where we help out current VCE Chinese 3/4 students with oral exam practice as we understand how difficult it is to get quality practice. As this is a cause that is very special to us, all proceeds from this initiative will be going towards this fundraiser. 

Feel free to share this around if you have any mates studying VCE Chinese that need an extra hand or feel free to donate, that would be greatly appreciated :)  

Thank you to my Supporters



Thank you for the generous act! Making a great impact to many~~






Sidney Shyu

Hey Carley, this is a big thanks for you for helping me in my oral.


Kate Hamilton


Sidney Shyu


Kate Hamilton

It’s so wonderful that you are both helping students and contributing to a good cause. all the best :)