Bec’s shaving her head!

By Rebecca Paterson

I'm now a Zero Hero

Every day 57 people in Australia are diagnosed with breast cancer and 9 people lose their lives to this disease?  

Five years ago, my dear friend was diagnosed with (non breast) cancer and I decided to grow my hair to donate. As the time has approached now to make the cut, in the last few months both my beautiful mum and another dear friend have been diagnosed with breast cancer and are facing long journeys ahead in their battle. 

Mum has already had to shave her luscious locks from hair loss due to chemo, so instead of just cutting mine - I’ll be shaving the lot (and still donating) at the end of July in support. Mum has no idea and I’d like to keep it a surprise - so those of you who know her - SHHHH ?

Together with shaving my head, I've decided to raise funds for world-class breast cancer research to help National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) towards their vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer.

Please support me and my pledge to save lives and make a difference.

Every donation, big or small, will get me closer to reaching my goal. Together, we can stop deaths from breast cancer.

My Updates

Dollar for dollar donation match!

Wednesday 10th Jul
A week out from the big shave and mum is still clueless ?

Thanks to everyone’s amazing early support, I’ve already surpassed my initial goal - but if you’ve been on the fence about donating or just haven’t got around to it yet, now is the time!

So, for all donations received between now and next Thursday, I WILL MATCH DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR what you contribute!

These funds go towards lifesaving research that could benefit your mum, your sister, your daughter… so get on board! And if nothing else, help send me broke as well as bald ??

Thank you to my Supporters


Kate Paull



Dollar for dollar matched with KP ❤️


Robyn Stahlhut

Well done Bec .❤️



Godspeed darl



Dollar for dollar matched for Lex, you bloody legend!



Proud of you ❤️



Dollar for dollar matched thanks to Janay!! ❤️


Alana Hines

I'm so proud of you!! 💜


Dave, Lauren, Lachie & Liv

We love you Bec and so proud of you!! You are amazing and Mum will be blown away xx


Dave, Lauren, Lachie & Liv

Proud of you's another lot your way. We love you!!



Another double donation superstar. Dollar for dollar matched thanks to Lauren, Dave, Lachlan and Olivia!!


Bonnie Anderson

Go Bec! Couldn't say no when it was so close to an even number...


Ashley, Michael, Olivia And Madeline

Such a great thing you're doing for a great cause!


Kylie Fisher



No Matter how weird your head shape you will still be beautiful. So brave Bec.


Rebecca Paterson

Dollar for dollar matched. Thank you so much Kylie!!


Chris, Julia, Ryder, Xander & Sophie

You're awesome!



Dollar for dollar matched. All my love and thanks to the little bro Chris, Julia, Ryder, Xander and Sophie


Anita Calabria

Super brave Bec. You are amazing!!


🖤 Madison, Georgia, Chris & Lisa

We are very proud of you & love you Aunty Bec!


Kelly Callaghan

You’re a legend Bec!!! I’d knit you a beanie but I can’t knit. I will tell you your head shape is fine though, even if it’s not 🤣



Dollar for dollar! Thanks Kel!!


Francine Read

Thinking of you xx


Rebecca Paterson

Dollar for dollar matched - thanks Frannie!!


Catherine Sproates

You rock GF!!!



Legendary Bec



Dollar for dollar matched for the mysterious anonymous! Thank you ❤️



Dollar for dollar matched donation thanks to Lisa, Chris, Mads and Georgia



I'll start knitting you a Beanie 🙌🥰



Way to go Mrs Patto


Logan Merritt

Great stuff Bec :)



Heaps proud of you!





Hannah Casey

You're amazing Bec!


Rachel Knight

You are amazing!!



You are so inspirational! Such a beautiful gesture for your mum and your bestie 🩷 I hope you reach your goal, Taz x


Stephanie Palmer

Good on you Bec XXX



Go Bec!!


Andrew Cory



Dollar for dollar thanks to Andrew and Jane ❤️



Congrats Bec on making your goal!! Your mum will be blown away!!



You’re a true hero



Dollar for dollar match. Thanks James!! 🙌


Emily La Velle

You’re amazing Bec!



Dollar for dollar matched! Thank you Emily!!


Leigh Nelson

Go Bec!


Run Riot



Dollar for dollar, thank you Run Riot!


Sara Chamberlain



Dollar for dollar matched thanks to Sara


Louise Dominello

Proud of you, Bec xx


Mitch Roberts

Good luck with it all Bec!


Lachlan Rabey
