I'm now a Zero Hero
I've decided to shave/cut/colour my hair because I want a world where there are ZERO deaths from breast cancer. I believe every death from breast cancer is one too many. To achieve this, I’m raising funds for more research. All donations made to this page will help do exactly that.
The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is Australia’s leading national body funding game-changing breast cancer research with money raised entirely by the Australian public.
I really believe research is the best way to prevent deaths, and improve how breast cancer is diagnosed, managed and treated. NBCF is working towards one goal: zero deaths from breast cancer by 2030. Together we can help them get there.
Click 'Donate' to make a secure online donation and help me reach my goal. Every donation, big or small, will help me get there. Please donate today.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a tax-deductible receipt via email as soon as you make your donation.
Thank you so much for your support!
My Achievements

1. My Pink Hero Pledge

2. Uploaded Profile Picture

3. Shared My Page

4. Received First Donation

5. Halfway to Fundraising Goal

6. Reached Fundraising Goal
My Updates

Thank you everyone!!
Monday 8th Aug Thank you everyone for the overwhelming support for this cause.
Change of haircut date!!!
Thursday 28th Jul Due to the original date of my haircut being during the nine days, I will be cutting my hair a couple days later on the 7th of August. After Tisha B’av. Share
When am I cutting it!?
Thursday 30th Jun On the 5th of august when all of Limmud is back together! Share
Why cut my hair!?
Tuesday 28th JunThank you to my Supporters

Darrel Yawitch

Debbie And Jonathon Silbert
Well done Alon

Treisman Family
Well done Alon!

Benji Friedland

Family Zelwer
Kol hakavod Alon.

Zulberg Family

Mikey Zulberg

Celeste & Laurence Tucker
Very proud of you!

Tani Bejell
Alon my man, you are an inspiration ❤️

Jarred, Michael, Gal, Oomie Habo
Happy to see the mop gone. We are so proud of you and what you are doing! Love you lots ❤️

Ryan Silbert
Proud of you brother

Noah Silbert
proud of you 💗

Hope this helps broslice

Miller Family

Nice one Alon!

Lawrence Family
Behatzlacha Alon!

Good on ya!!

Ricky Saro
Shkoyach Tucker, so proud

Julian Kesacoff

Franks Family

Milah Chanter

Rachel Hertzman
Great work Alon!

Vicki King
Well done ,,amazing cause .

David Gold (miya)
Good luck on behalf of miya and the Golds

Stacey Potash
Amazing cause and well done for growing your hair and donating it

Ruth Segal


Belinda And Daniel Parasol
Hi alon It’s belinda , Layas mum . I too have a mum that has battled breast cancer . I think it’s amazing what you are doing. Well done !

Hilly & Jenny Cohen

Michelle Tawil
Well Done Alon! Wishing your Mum a Refua Shalema. Love Family Tawil( Milli!)

Daniel Tucker

Shosh Benjamin

Talia Sabath
Incredible job❤️

Aaron Grolman
Well done legend!

Adam Shainfeld

Linda Solomon

You are an absolute legend

כל הכבוד 💪🏼💪🏼 This is absolutely incredible, so so so proud of you ❤️

Jacob Braude
Great cause Kolakavod

Zecharya’s Alexandroff

Raphy Da Costa
Very proud


Avigail Rusin

Talya Hesselson

Rahamim Family
Proud of you

Lior Saada
You’re amazing and I’m honored to be a part of this

Lots of Nachas my boy 💙

Adi Glater
Good luck champ !!

Dan Shuhandler


Mr & Mrs George
Fantastic effort Alon, can wait to see the result

Hadassa Solomon

Mason Nagi

Trista Nagi

Granny Gaya
Well Done Alon 🙌🏻

Well done, Daniel!

Monique Gara (jeremys Mum)
Wonderful cause and I am happy to be a part of it

Hillel Siton
רפואה שלמה❤️


Neil Kagan
yishar koach Alon


Asher Altschuler

Rafi Franklin

Rebecca Morris

Aaron Kahanovitz

Shali Bernstein
Well done. Great cause