All those who have lost the battle and those who continue to fight the fight.

In Memory Of

Donate in memory of All those who have lost the battle and those who continue to fight the fight.

This special memorial tree was created by Westpac in memory of All those who have lost the battle and those who continue to fight the fight.. With your help, we're committed to funding world-class research towards one uncompromising goal: Zero Deaths from breast cancer.

In Memory Of


We've created this page to acknowledge those who have lost the battle and to those who continue to fight the fight..

Hi Group Sustainability Team, 

Creating this page to honour those who have lost the battle to breast cancer and to recognise those who continue to fight the fight. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month so no better time to do it!

The National Breast Cancer Foundation does incredible work and as agreed, we want to help them raise much needed funds for breast cancer research. Let's help support a future where no one has to lose a loved one to breast cancer.

Donations can be made via the ‘Donate’ button. 

Thanks so much!!!

Thank you for your generosity


Siobhan Toohill


Nasim Payandeh

In memory of my mum who fought hard. she may have lost the physical battle but her strong and energetic spirit was the winner in the end.


Amelia Bruce

For my mum and grandma (who battled breast cancer twice!) - the strongest survivors I know


Chin Ching Soo







may we all help fighters fight





Amber Rowland