Vanessa Tarrier

In Memory Of

Donate in memory of Vanessa Tarrier

This special memorial tree was created by Paul in memory of Vanessa Tarrier. With your help, we're committed to funding world-class research towards one uncompromising goal: Zero Deaths from breast cancer.

In Memory Of


I’ve created this page because we have lost a very special person in our lives - Vanessa and want to honour her memory.

Hello friends and family,

I’ve created this page because we have lost a very special person in our lives - Vanessa and want to honour her memory.

Please help us honour her memory using the ‘Donate’ button. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot.

Paul and Jasper x 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kim Curtin

Vanessa, I will always treasure your friendship and our wonderful time together. My love goes out to Paul and Jasper. Never forgotten. ❤️


Keith Jones

For a beautiful & wonderful person, Vanessa. God bless Paul & Jasper.



Beautiful Vanessa xxx you will forever be in our thoughts. I love you!


Smith Family

A beautiful, brave soul. Darren, Rachael, Felix & Evie x


Kefeira Ellis

Dear Vanessa, thank you for always being willing to share your journey with so many of us, this is incredibly courageous! You will be missed dearly, sending much love and strength to Paul & Jasper


Shirley & Ian

We feel blessed to have known you Vanessa and privileged to contribute toward your ongoing memory.


Brooke Nathan Wyatt Hudson

My beautiful friend Vanessa ….always smiling, positive and so brave. We love you and miss you everyday x


Hayley, John And Jack O’brien

Always in our thoughts x


Mark And Alison Kennealy

In loving memory of dear Vanessa. Xxxx


Vicki & Andy Pinches

Love from Team Pinches to Team Tarrier


Holly And Charles Whitehead

Heartbroken to see the loss of such a fun classy lady. Sending love from St Albans, UK


Jaimee Colenso

Such a huge loss. Sending love and strength to Paul and Jasper xx


Karen O'connell

No amount of words can ever fully encapsulate you Vanessa. What a kind and beautiful soul you were while on this earth, and now up there in the heavens. They certainly gained our angel ❤️ 😇 Your son is your legacy and you will live on in him. Such sadness that you're gone, but such profound gladness to have met you. Eternal love, your blood angel xoxo


Georgia Keys

Love you V XXX


Dene And Magda

Rest in peace Vanessa. Our thoughts are with Paul and Jasper xx



For a beautiful person I got to know through my son’s class. Thinking of you Paul and Jasper.


Ray & Lilian Smith


Jamie & Dee

Always in our heart ❤️


Emily, Mahesh. Iyla, Aran And Jake Patel

In memory of a wonderful person. You’ll be hugely missed Vanessa. Sending lots of love to Paul and Jasper xx


Holly Pinches (& Harry)


Mel Barr

Rest in Peace beautiful Vanessa xx

