Grace Ooi

In Memory Of

Donate in memory of Grace Ooi

This special memorial tree was created by Stephen in memory of Grace Ooi. With your help, we're committed to funding world-class research towards one uncompromising goal: Zero Deaths from breast cancer.

In Memory Of


I’ve created this page because I have lost a very special person to breast cancer and want to honour their memory.

Hello friends and family,

I’ve created this page because I have lost a very special person to breast cancer and want to honour their memory.

I’m inspired by the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s work and want to help them raise much needed funds for breast cancer research. I want a future where no one has to lose a loved one to breast cancer.

Please help me honour their memory using the ‘Donate’ button. 

The more people that know about the National Breast Cancer Foundation, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family.

Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot.

Gift in memory

Hello friends and family,

I've created this page because I have lost a very special person to breast cancer and want to honour their memory.

I'm inspired by the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s work and want to help them raise much needed funds for breast cancer research. I want a future where no one has to lose a loved one to breast cancer.

Please help me honour their memory using the 'Donate' button.

The more people that know about the National Breast Cancer Foundation, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family.

Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Russell Investments

Donation made as part of corporate matching program on behalf of Yvonne Ooi


Elaine (eng) & Kevin

To My Sister… by Allison Chambers Coxsey I’m blessed to call you sister, I also call you friend; You’ve loved me unconditionally, And stood through thick and thin. You’ve shared my joys and sorrows, My laughter and my tears. You’ve been my inspiration, As we grew up through the years. When we were little children We laughed and played together; Then growing up you stood by me, Through good and stormy weather. There’s something God has given us, That’s more than family; He’s placed a love for you, my Sister, Deep down in the heart of me.



Missing her so much every day


Mum & Dad

Sadly you were taken from us all too soon, well before your time! We couldn't be prouder to have you as our daughter. Your early deprture has left a gaping hole in our hearts which will take a long time to heal. Hoping the sadness, pain and feeling of emptiness will ease soon as we adjust to life without you. You are sorely missed by us all!



My dearest departed sister, you were a shining beacon and tower of strength & inspiration to all of us. You truly lived up to your name throughout your life and this quality was no more evident than during your unflinching battle with cancer, where you displayed such remarkable strength & dignity in the face of overwhelming adversity! It's incredible how many lives you touched during your short but productive & impactful life and your legacy will endure. We were so lucky & blessed to have you as our doting big sister! You'll be forever missed and cherished in our hearts! May you RIP.



Our deepest condolences to you and your family at this time of such profound loss. Grace was such a beautiful soul, whose boundless warmth, love, and kindness will remain forever in our memories and hearts.


Auntie Bee Bee

Grace's paintings from whence she was 10 years old are hanging on my wall. Her calligraphy is engraved on my gravestone and my memory of Grace from the time I met her at the age 22months will be with me forever. Stephen do you remember our travel in China? You and Grace were helping to push our tour bus stuck in the mud and later we were chased by a bunch of angry Tibetans waving meat cleavers? That memory is still fresh! I will miss Grace dearly.


Alice, Doug, Toby And Chelsea Huey

Heartfelt condolences to you and the boys. No words can express the huge hole she left in my heart. I count my lucky stars to have met Grace 8 years ago. She is a dear friend and an inspiration. With every passing day, I am missing her more. She has a beautiful soul and she will be remembered.


Ying, Yu-ming, Joy And Chloe

Heartbreaking to have lost Grace who was such a beautiful soul. Our deepest condolences to you and your family and hope you can stay strong during this difficult time. Our hearts are with you.


Michael And Susie Wu

Our condolences to you and your family....


Jing And Bruce

Hi Stephen, We are so sad to lose such a good friend. Her warmth, kindness and love will remain in our memories forever. Her bravery when facing the disease is inspiring every one of us. We are so grateful to have Grace as part of our lives. Please accept our deepest condolences.


Teck Toh And Bee Bee

Deep shock and sadness. Grace was a wonderful person. Always friendly, lively and a good mother. We will always treasure her artistic talents. She will forever remain in our memories. Our deepest condolences to Stephen and her three lovely boys.


Jian Huang , Yan Wen And Evan


Geoffrey, Jennifer, Mika And Kaia Lim

Our deepest condolences. It was lovely to see all the wonderful people that shared in Grace's life in the heartfelt tributes.



Hi Stephen It is with heavy heart that we mourn our dearly departed friend, a loving mother and wonderful wife. May you find comfort that she has finally found peace in heaven, and we hope you and your family too will find peace and solace in this time of mourning. May the love and grace of our God be with you all during this time.


Tammy Wu

To Stephen and family, So sorry for your profound loss. Grace's warmth, kindness and strength will be missed by those who knew her.


Yuexi And Kylie

Dear Stephen, We will miss Aunty Grace so much.


Queenie & Sam

Dear Stephen and family, Our deepest condolences for the loss of such a special person. We are blessed to have known and shared some special moments with Grace, those will remain in our memories forever. She is truly caring, sharing and always put others first. Grace fought bravely with positive spirits till the last minutes. I will think of her strength when I need a lift! She will forever be missed.



Dear Stephen, Thinking of you and the boys. Grace was a beautiful soul and I will miss her very much.


Macquarie Bank | Your Team

Dearest Stephen and Family, We are so sorry for your loss. Our hearts and thoughts are with you. Maybe one day you can share some of the crazy adventures, you and Grace got up to in your wonderful life together. Lots of love, Macquarie Bank | Your Team


Brendan Odenthal

Dear Stephen, Thinking of you, the boys and all Grace's family. Grace was such a warm, giving and truly lovely sister-in-law/Auntie. We will miss her dearly.


Stella, Michael, James And Sarah

Dear Stephen and family, Our deepest condolences for the loss of Grace. We had being fortunate to have met Grace and shared many wonderful memories with her. Her positive spirits is so inspirational. She was a such a sincere, genuine and wonderful person. We mourn her loss. She will be missed dearly.



Dear Stephen, I'm beyond sad and can only imagine the sadness & grief you and your family are going through. Grace was always the kindest & most gentlest of souls but also strong & witty. I'm so grateful to have known her. My thoughts are with you, yours & Grace's family during this difficult time. Please accept my deepest condolences.


Yan Wen (wendy), Jian Huang & Evan

Our deepest condolences to you and your family. Grace was such a beautiful, talented, kind, warm-hearted and generous person. Every Christmas, she would send Christmas card to us with a photo of 3 boys. Grace was so talented, we were so impressed by her paintings, calligraphy and bakery etc.. Her sunshine smile will be in our memory forever and we will never forget her.


Diane Hazelgrove

I only met you briefly, but iI found you to be a very sweet lady and I knew you were special. I’m so sorry to learn of your passing. I know in my heart your loved ones will always miss you.


Ann Hoang

My deepest condolences Stephen and family for your loss. Grace will always be remembered as a beautiful, kind and loving friend and will be dearly missed.


Melanie Harrison

Dear Stephen, I am so saddened by Grace's passing. My deepest condolences to you & your family. Grace will always be remembered as a sweet, warm, happy, friendly soul. May she rest in peace.


Sak Yan Huan

Grace will always in my heart. We are schoolmate for about 40 years. I miss her so much.


Christine Chen


Valerie Hoh

Deepest condolences to you and your family. Stay strong and may the Lord's peace and strength be with all of you. Grace will be dearly missed.


Wk Lo



So sorry for your loss Stephen, my deepest sympathies to you and your family.


Michael Payne






Kyle And Jo Dean

Celebrating Grace's creativity and love of life, nature and all things baking. All our love to you and the boys.


Alice So

We we are sad to learn of you and your family's loss. Please accept our sincere condolences.


Noeline & John Seeto

Dear Stephen and family So sorry to hear of Grace's passing. Our deepest condolences. May she rest in peace.


Chakravarthy Manne

I am deeply saddened by the loss that you have encountered Stev. My condolences.



So sorry to hear that Grace has been taken away from us so soon. Her warm soul will remain forever in our hearts. My sincere condolences to you, Dilan, Aidan and Ewan.


Anthony & Family


Robert Odenthal

Grace was such a gorgeous person inside and out. She will be greatly missed by us all.


Dan Lieng


Susan Odenthal

A beautiful, talented woman who had a generous heart and soul. You will be so greatly missed Grace.



Condolences to you and your family Stephen, so sorry for your loss.


Martin, Carol & Family

Dear Stephen, our deepest sympathies to you, the boys and Grace's family. Grace was such a wonderfully kind and generous person, we feel blessed to have known her and been a part of her life, she will missed every day.


Janine, Michael, Orion And Samara

Grace is a beautiful soul who has been taken from us much too early. We miss her so much already and will always remember her kindness, warmth and generosity. Our deepest condolences to you and the family.




Hui Teng & Hui Meng Er

Our deepest condolences to you and your family.


Ray & Karen Johnsun

Our deepest condolences to you and your family.


Harry Hsieh

Very sorry to hear your loss Stephen, my deepest condolences to you and your family.


Stephen Odenthal


Lynette & Robert Leung

Our deepest condolences to your family


Anthony Wong

Dear Stephen, Deepest condolences. Thinking of you and the boys at this time of loss.




Ida Lukman

My condolence , Stephen. Rest In Peace Grace


Duncan Chen

My heart goes out to you and your family. I am deeply sorry to hear about the passing of your loved one. She will be deeply missed.


Melody Pang

Dear Stephen and family, My deepest condolences, Pray that all of you will recover from this difficult moment soon.


Khong Sheau Yan

Our deepest condolences to you Stephen and your family. Grace will be dearly missed.



I am so sorry to hear Grace has passed away. My deepest condolences to you and your family.


Richard D

I am sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family


Debbie Lees

Stephen, I was so sorry to hear that Grace has passed away. My thoughts are with you and your family. Debbie



Grace's lovely smile is always in my heart



I’m so sorry to hear about Grace. Deepest condolences to you and your family.


Richard H

Stephen - My heart goes out to you and I am so sorry for your loss.


Jaya Nischel


Sandeep M

Hi Stephen, so sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.


Natalie Ton

My condolences to you Stephen and your family. Grace's beautiful soul and smile will be forever remembered.


Marcus Gay


Valentyna Mc Intosh

In memory of a lovely fine woman.


David And Yuko Perry

Stephen, we are so so sad to hear of Grace's passing. Our deepest condolences to you and family. I will always remember Grace as the sweetest person I ever met. May she rest in peace. David.


Cathy Eves

My deepest condolences and thoughts are with you and the boys at this very sad and difficult time. No words will heal what you are enduring. Rest in Peace Grace. You will be dearly missed. Catherine, Anneliese and Caitlin Eves






Pritika Nischal

Great cause!


Cristyn, Rob, Johnathan And George

Thinking of you all, Grace was such a beautiful kind soul.