Sian Cawte

My Challenge



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My 57 Squat Challenge for breast cancer research

57 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer today and a further 9 will lose their life. I want to make a difference to the lives of those 57 Australians impacted by the disease - that is why I am taking on the 57 Squat Challenge to raise vital funds for world-class breast cancer research. But I need your help.

Please support my squat challenge to save lives and make a difference.

Every donation, big or small, will get me closer to reaching my goal and helping the National Breast Cancer Foundation end deaths from breast cancer.

My Achievements

My Pledge For Breast Cancer Research

Shared My Page

Added My Profile Pic

Got My First Donation

Raised $57 For Breast Cancer Research

Raised $250 For Breast Cancer Research

Halfway to My Fundraising Goal

Reached My Fundraising Target

Logged My First 57 Squats

Halfway to My Squat Goal

Reached My Squat Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors



Do not let this win


Amanda Kay

Because I was too slow to join your team. Good luck and smash out the squats!


Christine & Fam

Squats? Cancer? God girl you got this in the bag! You'll ace both of these babe, we're all with you on this 💕


Keith Turner

Kick it in the teeth!


Erin Miller

🩷🩷 you got this Sian 🩷🩷


Erik Deichen

Keep on punching mate!


Hayley Booth

Kick cancers arse girl!!! You got this 💪




Danielle Theofanis

Keep fighting Sian! 💪



You're a strong and brave woman and you have definitely got this covered!!!!


Ange Hayes

You have this Sian but you will not let it beat you! Looking forward to a speedy recovery and journey back to full health for you. Positively live the journey in anyway you can and there will be many to help you along the way. Take care 💜🩷


Kristofer Kowalski

Go Sian, Go go go



Sian you are a Beautiful Strong Woman, who I know will Fight & Beat Breast Cancer. We all have your back!! Sending love, hugs & support your way.


Casey Hosken

You got this girl!!! And the squats!!!


Lisa Hollow


Cathy Jones

Stay strong warrior woman! xx


Jodi Pruden




The Hirst Family

All the best on this journey. We are all thinking of you xx

I'm doing 1767 squats this March for the 57 Australians diagnosed with breast cancer every day.