Sharon Wilesmith

My Challenge



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Not Completed

My 57 Squat Challenge for breast cancer research

57 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer today and a further 9 will lose their life. I want to make a difference to the lives of those 57 Australians impacted by the disease - that is why I am taking on the 57 Squat Challenge to raise vital funds for world-class breast cancer research. But I need your help.

Please support my squat challenge to save lives and make a difference.

Every donation, big or small, will get me closer to reaching my goal and helping the National Breast Cancer Foundation end deaths from breast cancer.

My Achievements

My Pledge For Breast Cancer Research

Shared My Page

Added My Profile Pic

Got My First Donation

Raised $57 For Breast Cancer Research

Raised $250 For Breast Cancer Research

Halfway to My Fundraising Goal

Reached My Fundraising Target

Logged My First 57 Squats

Halfway to My Squat Goal

Reached My Squat Goal

My Updates

Day 30 Time is running out

Saturday 30th Mar
Well it’s the end of the day and nearly the end of the month. 57 squats and $269 to go to reach my target. If you are in a position to help I would really appreciate your support ?

Day 27 - My time is nearly up!

Wednesday 27th Mar
Only four days left of my 57 squat challenge - 57 squats every day for the month of March.   I have been busy establishing my new business and have not been very diligent about posting photos and videos every day.  As a result, I am a long way from raising the $1000 I hoped for.  If you could take the time to donate $5 or $10 I would really appreciate it as it all adds up and makes a difference.  Thank you xx

Day 20 - outside our comfort zone is where we grow

Wednesday 20th Mar
I've been looking into AI/chatbots lately.  What do you think of this post it wrote? Sounds just like me hey ?

As a breast cancer survivor, I lace up my sneakers each morning, determined to conquer those 57 squats. My thighs burn, but so does my passion for raising awareness and funds. Together, we’re sculpting strength and hope, one squat at a time. With love and resilience, Sharon

Day 19 - Pretty in Pink

Wednesday 20th Mar
I quite often do my squats after my morning walk, but it's just been Tilly and I lately, and her paws are not so good for taking pictures/videos.  This is a photo of a rose I took at the Botanic Gardens, which is a favorite walking spot for us. The hot pink always reminds me of breast cancer research, funding, and support. 

Day 18 - All clear for another year!

Wednesday 20th Mar
Well, another six months actually, but it didn't rhyme.  Glad to have the results of my mammogram and ultrasound back and be three years cancer-free.

Day 11 - Leg Day again!

Monday 11th Mar
That feeling when you've done your squats for the day! For someone who has spent years of her life hiding from the camera this 57 squat challenge has been very challenging. 

Day 10 - Done in the nick of time

Monday 11th Mar
Completed my squats in the loungeroom in my nightie tonight at the end of a long day so no photo sorry.  Stephen is my witness!

Day 8 - Happy International Women's Day

Saturday 9th Mar
Happy International Women's Day to all the amazing women I know. Your strength, love, kindness, and compassion are inspirational!

Also, don't forget to get your breasts checked - Early detection saves lives!  Here's a photo of me from today, getting my mammogram and ultrasound for my three-year post-cancer check!

Day 9 - Living the dream

Saturday 9th Mar
Love a swim followed by 57 squats!  

Day 7 - Squeezed in my squats!

Saturday 9th Mar
Squats are getting quicker and easier which is very fortunate because time has been at a premium this week.

Day 6 - Feeling the love

Wednesday 6th Mar
Well, I forgot to get someone to take a photo today sorry. I have included one from 2021 when I was having a celebratory Shiraz after my final surgery was over.  Thank you so much to everyone who has been able to donate.  You are amazing xx

Day 5 - remembering why I am doing this

Wednesday 6th Mar
Did you know $57 can contribute to analysing genetic data to pinpoint specific genes that lead to the most common types of breast cancer?

Photos are not improving sorry.  

Day 4 - Time to change my focus

Monday 4th Mar
Well, physically: my leg muscles feel better than yesterday, and mentally: I am focused on raising money for breast cancer research, not just because I don't want to get it again, but for the 57 people who are diagnosed each day.  Every dollar helps xx

Day 3 - Feeling the pain

Monday 4th Mar
Who knew I had so many leg muscles?  They all seem to be hurting at the same time... you know, when I walk, when I sit down, when I stand up, but especially when I go up and down steps.  Got the job done though so YAY!

Day 2 - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, I hope

Saturday 2nd Mar
I could definitely feel my leg muscles from the 57 squats I did yesterday.  Think this might get worse before it gets better.  Only 1,653 squats to go. 

Day 1 - done and dusted

Friday 1st Mar
Well, I don't have any video evidence, but Matt and Josh were there to witness this athletic feat.  I will confess I had to break it up into 5 x 10 and 1 x7 and had no strength left in my legs afterward, (Matt and Josh made me go lower than I thought possible) but I did get it done! Only 30 days to go....

Thank you to my Sponsors


Shayne Hanks


Monty And Alina

Well done Sharon!


Lesley Gardiner

Well done sharon


Stephen Wilesmith


Geoffrey Mcgillivray

Well done Sharry!


Merleandnorm Hanks


Terri X


Sharon Wilesmith





Norm And Merle Hanks

Proud of you darling give it your best shot hun.


Andrea B

So proud of you Sharon, keep up the burn


Jenny Williams

Great job Sharon.


Kara Iona


Denise Mallory


John Taylor


Facebook Donation


Ebony, Josh, Janice & Matt

I'm so proud of you, and thankful that I know such an amazing woman!



Please don't get a hernia doing your challenge.

I'm doing 1767 squats this March for the 57 Australians diagnosed with breast cancer every day.