I've made a pledge to GO PINK!
Did you know that every day 57 people in Australia are diagnosed with breast cancer and 9 people lose their lives to this disease? Â
This June, I've made a pledge to WEAR IT, SHAVE IT or COLOUR IT and raise funds for world-class breast cancer research to help NBCF towards their vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer. Â
Please support my GO PINK pledge to save lives and make a difference. Â
Together, we can stop deaths from breast cancer.Â
My Badges
Thanks a thousand – Raise $1,000 for DNA discoveries!
Let’s go – donate towards your own goal!
Pics or it didn’t happen – upload a profile pic!
On a roll – raised 50% of your goal!
Sharing’s caring – Share your fundraising page!
Fundraising Rockstar – raised 100% of your goal!
Thank you to my Sponsors
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Go Sam!
Ros Lewis
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Michael Carney
To a wonderful family in Canberra and Sam who are great friends and made me very welcome.
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Pete, Zeina And Pascale
Good on you Sam!
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Go Sam and big big hugs 💕💕
You rock lovely lady!
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Kim Berry
Janine O’keefe
You’re gorgeous in all the colours!! You will rock pink. Be sure to do some street parades 🩷🩷🩷
Best wishes
Loving your daily updates!
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Amy And Cal Lewis
You’re amazing!! Although we need more pink I think. 😂💕
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Go Sam!💕🌵
Love you to the planet that's not a planet anymore and back
Go Sam!💜
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Nadia Johnson
I love seeing your pink photos and I guess it's lucky I was too slack to donate until double donations day! Keep being awesome.
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Belinda Redfern-elliot
Well done, you. Keep up the pink!