Michaela Stone

My Challenge



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My 57 Squat Challenge for breast cancer research

This March, I’m doing 57 squats every day, to raise funds for breast cancer research.

Why 57? 57 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer today, and a further 9 will lose their life. My beautiful mum, Bronwen, was one of them, despite battling the disease for many years.

want to change this. But I need your help!

Support my squat challenge to save lives and together, we can contribute to the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s mission to end deaths from breast cancer.

Every donation, big or small, will get us closer to our goal!

My Achievements

My Pledge For Breast Cancer Research

Shared My Page

Added My Profile Pic

Got My First Donation

Raised $57 For Breast Cancer Research

Raised $250 For Breast Cancer Research

Halfway to My Fundraising Goal

Reached My Fundraising Target

Logged My First 57 Squats

Halfway to My Squat Goal

Reached My Squat Goal

My Updates

We did it!!

Sunday 31st Mar
31 days. 1873 squats. $1,572 raised for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me! I’m so proud of everything we’ve been able to achieve together!

One day to go!

Saturday 30th Mar
Woohooooo! We’ve overshot our squat goal by 49 squats - and raised more than $1500 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation in the process. What. A. Day! And just one to go until we wrap this baby for 2024!!

2 days to go!

Friday 29th Mar
Well, this is really it. We’re on the home stretch now. And I’m not slowing down! Let’s push it right til the end! Just 18 squats until our squat goal!

3 days to go!

Thursday 28th Mar
As I near the end of this challenge, I’ve been reflecting on how lucky I am to be able to get this far, because I know that isn’t the case for everyone doing this challenge, with injuries and health issues and life events getting in the way. I’m so grateful for my health, and so thankful for your support. Just 85 squats until our squat goal!

4 days to go!

Wednesday 27th Mar
Just 145 squats until our squat goal, and more than $1200 raised for breast cancer research. Great work, squat squad!

Wow, just 5 days to go!

Tuesday 26th Mar
I can hardly believe it. 5 days left. What a month it’s been! Thank you, everyone, for all your support: your messages, your donations and for even squatting with me! I can feel the physical and emotional benefits of doing something every day for something bigger than me; something that I care a lot about and want to change, and I am so grateful.

Day 25!

Monday 25th Mar
Wow, I can hardly believe there are just 6 days left in our 57 squat challenge. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way! Just 262 squats to go!

One week to go!

Sunday 24th Mar
Who can believe it?! Just a week until we finish the 57 squat challenge! Only 319 squats until our squat goal. And more than $1000 raised for the NBCF. Let’s keep up the momentum!

Day 23!

Saturday 23rd Mar
Today looked like: surfing, walking and squatting! Phew. PLUS I added another extra 10 onto the tally to commemorate the final day of my 10 extra squats chapter - taking today’s count to 77. Just 376 squats to go!

Day 22 - legs like jelly!

Friday 22nd Mar
A lot of you have been asking how my legs are doing. Firstly, thank you. Secondly, they’re tired! I somehow thought the only way would be up past the halfway mark, but I was wrong. So today is unofficial (legs like) jelly(fish) day. Squats completed: 1314, with 453 to go! And one day left to add an extra 10 to my daily count by donating. Hop to it!

10 days to go!

Thursday 21st Mar
Sunrise squats on the balcony today! Here are the numbers: 10 days to go until we finish the 57 squat challenge, just 2 days left to add an extra 10 squats when you donate, and just 520 squats to go until we reach our squat goal!

Day 20 update!

Thursday 21st Mar
A little post work squat sesh in the park before the storm blew in. Just 11 days to go!

Day 19 update!

Tuesday 19th Mar
Squatting is better with a friend! Thanks Bek for joining me on a short break in the kitchen today. With another 67 squats added to the tally, that’s 1113 completed and just 654 to go!

Day 18 - beach squats!

Monday 18th Mar
Early morning beach walk accompanied by 67 squats! Squat count is now at 1046, with just 721 squats to go!

Extra 10 today!

Sunday 17th Mar
Day 17 and I’ve been challenged to add an extra 10 squats = 67 squats today! I’m adding 10 squats for every donation this week, so if you want to see me push harder towards my squat goal, this is the time to donate! Squat count: 979 completed, 788 to go!

We did it!!

Saturday 16th Mar
We’ve reached our $1000 fundraising stretch goal! Amazing work! Thank you so much to everyone who has sponsored my squats. Together, we’re contributing to a bigger picture: zero deaths from breast cancer, and collectively, we have raised over $1.5m to get there. I’m gonna see this challenge through - and for the next week, I’ll up my game by adding an extra 10 squats for every donation. Let’s do this!

Day 15 - halfway there!

Friday 15th Mar
We’re at the halfway mark on day 15, with 855 squats completed and 912 to go! Woohoo!

Day 14 update!

Thursday 14th Mar
Today we passed a milestone. Less than 1000 squats to go now, as we head into week 3! Will you support my challenge?

Day 13 update!

Wednesday 13th Mar
Shout out to Harvey, who helped me bump up my squat weight today! We’re about to pass the 1000 squats to go mark, with 1026 squats to go!

Day 12 done!

Tuesday 12th Mar
Added a squat band and pulses to this workout - following a gym class, too - and did I feel it today! Squat count: 684, 1083 to go!

Day 11 update!

Monday 11th Mar
Coming to you from beautiful Awabakal Country today. I chose to complete my squats on my morning walk, and thankfully nobody saw me! Other than the squawking cockatoos and bell miners, that is. Squats completed: 627, 1140 to go!

Day 10 - double digits!!

Sunday 10th Mar
Had a squat buddy today and we took to the beach to complete our 57 squats. Not a bad way to commemorate 10 days of squatting for breast cancer research! Squat count: 570, 1197 to go!

Sundown squats for day 9!

Saturday 9th Mar
Despite best intentions to combine socialising and squatting today, I squeezed in my 57 at dusk. Not a bad way to finish the day… but tomorrow may bring new aches and pains thanks to today’s grit class… Squat count: 513/1767!

Day 8 update

Friday 8th Mar
Today my other mum, Margy, joined me in my squat challenge! We both felt the burn a little bit today. Love you, mum! Squat count: 456 completed, 1311 to go!

Day 7 done!

Thursday 7th Mar
Squat update: 399 completed, 1368 to go!

Day 6 done!

Wednesday 6th Mar
57 Squat Challenge, day 6: 342 squats completed, 1425 to go!


Tuesday 5th Mar
I thought this was going to be an ordinary day 5 post, but it’s so much more than that! We are barely through week one and today, we hit our $750 target! Thank you so much to my incredible sponsors, this is all thanks to you! Feeling buoyed by your support. Let’s keep going!

Squat Challenge Day 4 update!

Monday 4th Mar
Day 4: 228 squats completed, 1539 to go!

Day 3 done!

Sunday 3rd Mar
Squat Challenge day 3: the garden edition! Too beautiful an afternoon to waste squatting indoors, I headed outside to enjoy the grass and sunshine while I got my workout. We’re now 171 squats into the challenge - and going strong!

Day two done!

Saturday 2nd Mar
That’s day 2 in the bag, with 114 squats logged towards my 1767 squat goal!

Day one done!

Friday 1st Mar
Just completed my first 57 squats. Bring it on, March! Thanks so much to everyone who’s chipped in so far - it’s incredible to be kicking off the challenge with almost $600 raised to support breast cancer research!

Thank you to my Sponsors


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Sophie Cregan

Ten points!!!!


Kerry Connors

Go Michaela!


Margaret Whelan

Well done sweetie.


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Amy Hill

Great cause, good luck with the squats


Highfields Sullivans


Michaela Stone


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Go girl



Go Mickey! ✨👏🌈💚💚💚


Katrina Porteus

Well done Michaela.


Carol Valente

Nearly there!! You're inspiring everyone - myself included! :)


Liz Stephens


Grit Buddy

Dude the legs are BURNING. I am not envious of you and your squats rn. You are an inspiration 😅






Go Mickey!! Cheering you on as you raise $$ for this important cause


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You got this girl!



You go girl!!


Joanna Marshall

You go girl!


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Well done Mickey, you should be so proud! Have loved watching and admired your journey this month thanks to IG! Xx


Jade Boland

Congrats Michaela! 👏


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I'm doing 1767 squats this March in memory of my mum, Bronwen