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My Achievements

1. My Pink Hero Pledge

2. Uploaded Profile Picture

3. Shared My Page

4. Received First Donation

5. Halfway to Fundraising Goal

6. Reached Fundraising Goal

7. Logged First Activity

My Updates

Fundraising campaign

Wednesday 16th Oct

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Thank you to my Supporters



What an amazing goal! Proud of your efforts mate!!


Michael Gilfelt

Good stuff Dimitar, thats a lot of kms.







Good luck!


Jason Leow

Good work Dimi and keep up the riding. See ya out on the road. ?


Kerrie Basman

Great cause Dimitar. Thanks for taking this on!


K & D!




Dimitar Dojcinoski


Jordan Petreski


Kim Kirsten


Woop! Watch Those Magpies!

Good luck dim. Well done.