Gym Queens of Cairns

Team Total

squats 5,301

Team Target
squats 15,903

Our 57 Squat Challenge for breast cancer research

57 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer today and a further 9 will lose their life. We want to make a difference to the lives of those 57 Australians impacted by the disease - that is why we are taking on the 57 Squat Challenge to raise vital funds for world-class breast cancer research. But we need your help.

Please support our squat challenge to save lives and make a difference.

Every donation, big or small, will get us closer to reaching our goal and helping the National Breast Cancer Foundation end deaths from breast cancer.

Thank you to our Sponsors



A beautiful spirit Katie. Such a worthwhile cause. Thank you Katie for your caring of others



Go Katie!πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ


Hannah, Tim & Dp


Kelly Muffett


Theresa Feletar

You go girl!!! T :-)


Yvonne Mccarthy




Raija Hamilton

Wow! Go Kathy.


Emma Hardy

You can go it! Xx


Fred & Jeff

Nice effort 🐿️!


Laura :-)

Go Katie! So inspiring!


Melissa Corbett

You’ve got this.



Go Kathy


Katie M

Get it!! Woooo!!!


Kathy L

C’mon! Let’s do it!


Kathy L

You’re awesome!


Kathy L

You can do it! Because you are an inspiration!