May Builds Construction Fundraiser

By Emma Brown

I'm now a Zero Hero

Us at May Builds Construction are deeply committed to the cause of Breast Cancer Research, particular in the pursuit of Zero Deaths from Breast Cancer. Within out team, we have person connections to cancer battles, with many families affected by cancer. This has ignited our collective passion to make a meaningful difference. 


We are excited to raise awareness and funds for research, believing that by contributing to the fight against cancer, we can create a better future. Our commitment to this cause goes beyond business; it’s about making a tangible difference in the fight against cancer. 


Click 'Donate' to make a secure online donation and help us reach our goal. Every donation, big or small, will help us get there. Please donate today.


All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a tax-deductible receipt via email as soon as you make your donation.


Thank you so much for your support!