Drop it low for Deb

Team Total

squats 13,976

Team Target
squats 26,505

Our 57 Squat Challenge for breast cancer research

57 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer today and a further 9 will lose their life. My mum is part of those statistics, but she isn’t just a number to us. Those close to us know the incredibly tough journey she is on. 

We want to make a difference to those impacted by the disease - that is why we are taking part in the 57 squat challenge the month of March. We have a goal of $500 to raise vital funds for breast cancer research and need support in reaching that goal, every donation helps. 

Click the link to donate or join our team, would love to see people ‘Drop it low for Deb’ this March! 

Thank you to our Sponsors


Instagram Donation


Belinda Simson


David Wright

Well done Jess. Good on you for keeping it up out field.



Raise the goal!




Rob Burnett


Kristen Cullum

Legendary Jess, well done! Love ya Deb xxxxx


Facebook Donation


Eliza H

Love you all endlessly xx


Rach And Trav

Yasss... You go Jess. I may just have to join you. Love ya Deb. x


Gemma De Losa





Abbey Pell


Debbie Pickering


Facebook Donation


Erin Muhleisen


Jessica Fitzsimons


Courtney Thomas


Damien Warren

My sister was one of those statistics...all the best with the challenge Jess x


Coral Gulson




Anita Ford

Well Done Rach!


Lyn Arancio

Good luck with the squats Rachael. I hope my little bit helps.


Tim Geronimo


Chels Williams

love youuuu xx


Gail Jackson


Jody Skelly

Best of luck! You’ve got this Rach x


Deb S

Well done Jess❤️


Kyle Luu


Kari Carmody


Aliesha Hendy


Amanda Gregg

You can do this Jess xxx


Dale Cox

Super proud of you Jess 👏 🥰


Jillian Pickering


Facebook Donation


Facebook Donation


Amber Gregg

Go Jess! Much love ❤️


Vanessa Magill

Way to go Rach! Wishing you and your team and most importantly Deb, a successful outcome. Vanessa xx




Jacqui Walker


Jullie Vidler



We’ll done Rach!


Facebook Donation


Amanda Gregg

Great job hunny 👏



You got this, Rach 🫶


Sahra F

Buns of steel 💪🏽 great work Jess xx




Terril Westwood

You go girl


Brad Watson

Hope your pants rip


Susan Jorgensen


Nicole Jackson


Nicole Jackson


Akyra Stone


Facebook Donation


Facebook Donation


Julia Pattenden

Go Rach! You can do it!


Peter Mills

Well done Rachael, great cause.


Facebook Donation

