Claire Blackall

My Challenge



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Not Completed

My 57 Squat Challenge for breast cancer research

Cancer is something I would like to hear a lot less about. I don't want anyone else I know or love to be diagnosed. I don't want to hear about celebrities getting cancer on the news. 

Cancer sucks.

If doing a little exercise helps in anyway, awesome!

Thank you for looking at my page and considering donating, I appreciate you.

My Achievements

My Pledge For Breast Cancer Research

Shared My Page

Added My Profile Pic

Got My First Donation

Raised $57 For Breast Cancer Research

Raised $250 For Breast Cancer Research

Halfway to My Fundraising Goal

Reached My Fundraising Target

Logged My First 57 Squats

Halfway to My Squat Goal

Reached My Squat Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Tony Bernardi


Suzanne Blackall


Claire Blackall


Jo Bernardi

Awesome job!


Gareth & Rachael Trow

Go Claire, we are cheering for you!




Rachel Bernardi

Great work!


Barbara Bernardi

Great work for a good cause

I'm doing 1767 squats this March for the 57 Australians diagnosed with breast cancer every day.