Chelsea goes zero

By Chelsea Lewis

I'm now a Zero Hero

I've decided to celebrate with NBCF because I want a world where there are ZERO deaths from breast cancer. I believe every death from breast cancer is one too many. To achieve this, I’m raising funds for more research and giving up fast food for 1 month. All donations made to this page will help do exactly that.

This foundation is special to me, my family and my mum who fought breast cancer 6 years ago. I’m doing this for her and all the families who have struggled through the same, who are struggling now and who might in the future.

Go Zero and raise funds to help make zero deaths from breast cancer a reality.
Have you been looking to make that change towards a healthier lifestyle? Or even just ditch an old habit? Why not start now and Go Zero for breast cancer research.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is Australia’s leading national body funding game-changing breast cancer research with money raised entirely by the Australian public.

I really believe research is the best way to prevent deaths, and improve how breast cancer is diagnosed, managed and treated. NBCF is working towards one goal: zero deaths from breast cancer by 2030. Together we can help them get there.

Click 'Donate' to make a secure online donation and help me reach my goal. Every donation, big or small, will help me get there. Please donate today.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a tax-deductible receipt via email as soon as you make your donation.

Thank you so much for your support!

Thank you to my Supporters


Rhys Tutin

Good job chels xx


Amy Mccoll

Go Chelsea xoxoxo


Eliza Benjamin

Ask for something other than strawberries though!


Chelsea Lewis


Lachlan Yuill

No sundaes :(


Jordan Lewis


Sarah Abela



Rhiannon Dunscombe

So much love for you & your mum xxxx


Nakita Tutin


Tim B

Smash it!


Bridgit Tunbull


Amy Mclelland


Pandelis Stragos


Holly Stoddard


Jamie Burgess


Tony Mash

Well done Chelsea


Jamie Whiting

Great Job!


Erin Cavanagh

You go girl


Chloe Anderson

Love u xx


Amanda Hancock

Well done Chelsea. We should always try and make a difference.


Matthew Nunez



Happy 21st birthday.


Teagan Smith