CGS Rugby Association PINK Home Round

By Cgs Rugby Association

I'm now a Zero Hero

The Canberra Grammar School (CGS) Rugby community, through the CGS Rugby Association, are hosting a 'Pink (Home) Round' on Saturdays 7th and 14th of August, because we want a world where there are ZERO deaths from breast cancer.  As a community, we believe every death from breast cancer is one too many. To achieve this, we are seeking to raise awareness and much needed funds for more research. All donations made to this page and support for the initiative will help do exactly that. The players on these days will be wearing pink socks to raise awareness.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is Australia’s leading national body funding game-changing breast cancer research with money raised entirely by the Australian public.

We really believe research is the best way to prevent deaths, and improve how breast cancer is diagnosed, managed and treated. NBCF is working towards one goal: zero deaths from breast cancer by 2030. Together we can help them get there.

We also ask that you consider becoming a Zero Hero by clicking 'Donate' to make a secure online donation and help CGS Rugby community reach their goal via the 'Pink Round' initiative.  Every donation, big or small, will help us get there. Please donate today.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a tax-deductible receipt via email as soon as you make your donation.

Thank you so much for your support, particularly in these unprecedented and challenging times Australian's are facing. 

Event Information

Wednesday 04th August 00:00 - 23:30
Canberra Grammar School, Alexander Street, Red Hill ACT, Australia

Thank you to my Supporters


Jane Seaborn

In memory of Felix’s grandmother Jenny, who died of breast cancer aged 53, before he was born. She is missed every day.




Koch Family


Emma Ritchard


Nikias Family


Stoker Family

Wonderful tradition CGS Rugby.


Wagstaff Family

Thank you for doing this. Go the Pink!


Braithwaite Family


Olejniczak Family


Holly Abbey


Karen Abbey

Great work CGS!


Ben Slater


Kalenjuk Family

Go pink socks!!!!! We love this example of teamwork!!!


Justine Churchill


Lisa Sullivan


Sandhu Family


Grant Wing


Roger Nee




Rixon Family

Thanks for supporing such an important cause CGS. Unfortunately my family has been personally affected by breast cancer - so any donation towards finding a cure is amazing. Regards Justine Rixon


Laurie Austin


Ryan Hall

Fantastic initiative, good luck with your games!


Andrew And Simone Brown