Camden Tigers U13G PDP

Fundraising for the National Breast Cancer Foundation of Australia

100% profit will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation of Australia 

Thank you to our Sponsors


Raffle Sales $1981


Cake Stall Sales


Camden Tigers Football Club

Congratulations Camden Tigers U13 Girls PDP team on your fundraising for breast cancer. An important cause! Your football club, Camden Tigers FC is contributing $1,000 to the fundraising.


Profit - Sales From 26 Boxes Of Curly Wurlys


Waheeb Abbas


Asset Group Solutions

Well done this is a great cause


Deniz Sabuncuoglu


?? Camden Tigers Orange U/17 Girls

Well done to our U/13 G PDP from Camden Tigers 🐯 🧡 u/17 G with the support of the parents and players we have raised this donation for this charity. Well done and thank you everyone for your kindness and supporting our u/13G with this fundraiser. Wally 🐯🧡 coach


Two Boxes Oreos (donated By Cadbury Fundraising)


Karen Kaye-smith

Proud of you guys for doing this


Jenny M

Great cause, good luck with the fund raising


Jade Meadows


Beverly Barnsley


Rebecca Sawatske

Such a great cause. Best wishes girls!


Terri Mullan

Great job girls.



Great effort. Well done!


John Leech - Asset Group Solutions


Leanne Short


Onsite Group (aust)

Great work guys. Keep going 🙏🏻




Michelle Henry

Well done Sarah and team raising funds for a great cause especially one close to your heart


Sue Black


Stormy Realph

Great cause girls !