Brodie & Chloe

Team Total

squats 3,534

Team Target
squats 5,301

Our 57 Squat Challenge for breast cancer research

57 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer today and a further 9 will lose their life. We want to make a difference to the lives of those 57 Australians impacted by the disease - that is why we are taking on the 57 Squat Challenge to raise vital funds for world-class breast cancer research. But we need your help.

Please support our squat challenge to save lives and make a difference.

We are doing this for our loved one, Michelle Hansford. In 2017 Michelle was diagnosed with breast cancer caused from Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Michelle had 3 surgeries to remove her left breast and 19 lymph nodes of which 17 had cancer in them. 

Michelle went through extensive chemotherapy then Radiation and in mid 2018 Michelle was given the all clear and cancer free, at this point Michelle wanted to have her right Breast removed to ensure that this disease never returned. Michelle was put on an elective surgery wait list, (since when is preventative surgery classed as elective,) maximum 12 month wait, in 2020 COVID spread around the world and despite Western Australia not having COVID the West Australian government decided to suspend elective surgery due to COVID.

In 2022 Michelle was diagnosed with breast cancer in her right breast, months after her diagnosis and multiple scans Michelle finally had her right breast removed and a reconstruction from her own body was undertaken. Michelle spent 6 weeks in Royal Perth hospital recovering from her wounds.

After a couple more months Michelle finally started getting her life on track when in late 2022 a scan identified a mass under her left collarbone, after a biopsy it was diagnosed as a soft tissue radiation sarcoma, caused from the radiation from her first surgery.

The only option was for Michelle to have her left arm amputated from the shoulder.

On May 30th 2023 Michelle had her arm removed and as a result of this surgery Michelle had experienced extensive phantom pain, Bell's palsy, and BPPV, a form of vertigo.

Michelle has since spent the majority of her time in hospitals, with an estimated 10 weeks actually spent at home.

On the 20th Jan 2024 Michelle had a second major fall knocking her self unconscious, on 21st of Jan Michelle had a major seizure and was rushed to hospital via ambulance.

Since this date Michelle has been in Busselton Hospital, Bunbury Hospital and Fiona Stanley Hospital.

On the 23rd of Jan Michelle had her first lumbar puncture, the results came back as positive for cancer, 2 weeks after her first lumbar puncture Michelle had a second lumbar puncture.

On Tuesday the 20/2/24 it was confirmed that Michelle was diagnosed with terminal Brain Cancer caused from her 2nd round of breast cancer.

Michelle has been given only weeks to live.

Michelle is only 60 years old, a mother of 5 and grandmother of 11.

Every donation, big or small, will get us closer to reaching our goal and helping the National Breast Cancer Foundation end deaths from breast cancer.

Thank you to our Sponsors


High Tyde Pty Ltd


Corrie Hansford

You go my love I appreciate you so much



Love you xxx


Kathy Sharpe

Good on you Rachel 💕


Kathy Sharpe

Keep going Chloe!!!💕


Jimmy Kerry

Love you guys, from the Kerry’s x


Caitlan Cullen

Sending all our Love Chloe and Brody xx


Chloe Mckenzie


Rachael Hansford


Mum And Dad

Love you


Michelle Mckenzie

Well done lots of love xo



Much love to you all 🫶


Amy Cartwright

We love you!


Alyce 🫶🏼


Telia And The Boys


Keeley Milner

Love you Chloe and Brodie

