Sravani Nyayapathy

I've made a pledge to GO PINK for Anumol's Angels

The stats around breast cancer are grim and it is alarmingly increasing- we need to have more funds dedicated to research and helping people beat this disease and go back to their normal healthy lives.

This June, I've made a pledge to WEAR IT, SHAVE IT or COLOUR IT and raise funds for world-class breast cancer research to help NBCF towards their vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer.  

I have lost a very dear friend, Anumol who fought with utmost bravery until the very last and currently see one of my closest friends and the organiser of this team battle this disease with so much bravery and grit. While she is doing her part, I would like to raise funds to support this cause.

I am choosing to raise money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation (who receive no government funding) because since the NBCF started funding in 1994, death rates have reduced by 40% thanks in large part to research in prevention, early detection and new and improved breast cancer treatments. This is a progress but so much more is needed to understand risk factors, develop new ways to detect and treat breast cancer, and improve the quality of life for breast cancer patients, and ultimately save lives.

Click 'Donate' to make a secure online donation and help me reach my goal. Every donation, big or small, will help me get there. Please donate today.

Please support my GO PINK pledge to save lives and make a difference.  

My Badges

Thanks a thousand – Raise $1,000 for DNA discoveries!

Let’s go – donate towards your own goal!

Pics or it didn’t happen – upload a profile pic!

On a roll – raised 50% of your goal!

Sharing’s caring – Share your fundraising page!

Fundraising Rockstar – raised 100% of your goal!

Thank you to my Sponsors



Thankyou Sravani for your kind gesture & remembering Anumol through this event..


Phil Moore

Hi Sravani, I worked closely with Anumol at IAG. I was absolutely devastated when she passed last year. Good luck with your fund raising efforts for this important cause. Phil







All praise to you n Aditya




Shyamala Avvari

Happy to support this good cause


Matched Donation

I'm making a pink pledge in memory of my friend, Anumol this June to support breast cancer research and save lives.