Donate in memory of
This special memorial tree was created by Karen Sue in memory of . With your help, we're committed to funding world-class research towards one uncompromising goal: Zero Deaths from breast cancer.
In Memory Of
I’ve created this page in honor of my mother Karen Sue Kampfer.
Hello friends and family,
I’ve created this page in honor of my mother Karen Sue Kampfer. No she didn’t have breast cancer but cared for a lot of women in nursing homes that did. O and pink was her absolute favorite color.
The National Breast Cancer Foundation’s work is itself an inspiration and my mom thought so to. So in her memory I want to help them raise much needed funds for breast cancer research, and to help the hero mom’s in this world that need it.
Let’s honor her memory and use that Donate’ button.
If you not able to donate that’s k you can still have an impact just by holding spread the word. Sharing this page with your friends and family is in its self a donation.
Thank you always for your generosity, it means a lot.